In this blog post, we’ll provide kids with measurement and time worksheets so that they can better understand the concepts behind time and measurement.
These sheets can help you keep track of your child’s development, and they’ll love knowing that you’re taking note of all their progress.
Not to mention, it’ll be a lot easier to get your child ready for school or get them ready for their next activity when they have a roadmap of what’s to come.
Measurement and Time Worksheets
Check out our Time Measurement Worksheets that consist of ample exercises used to convert time frames of a day from seconds to minutes to hours.
Linear Measure Worksheets—Answer, Find, and Shade (Level 2)
Linear measurement represents the single dimension of measuring objects between two points on the measuring tape or ruler. So, one needs to measure something only on a single plane or line to measure its linear length or height. The linear worksheets provide the best chances to practice calculating the distance between the two line segments. To solve these problems, students have to recall the prior knowledge of number lines and measuring units.
Learning Concept: Primary school children can calculate the linear distance of an object located between two points. In addition, they are good at identifying and figuring out specific numbers on number lines.
Distance and Length Measurement Video (USA Customary System of Measurement)
Learning about lengths and distances is mandatory to answer the common questions raised in our everyday lives! Forex: How tall are you? How long is your wall to paint? What is the distance between your home and school or office, etc.…!
Watch out for this interactive video to learn about the USA Customary System of Measurement to explore its importance in the real world.
Helpful Idea: Students can find additional practice handouts that encourage and engage them in learning measurement skills.
Review Worksheets Distance and Length
One can opt for different ways to measure distances and lengths through a metric ruler. However, the method of finding specific stretches and gaps goes hand-in-hand since the measuring distance is nothing but measuring the length.
To learn the basic skills of measuring lengths and distances, students can practice these worksheets consisting of a ruler at its side. They have to cut out this ruler picture and use it to solve the problems easily and quickly. Besides, the attached video on measuring distances and lengths offers a great visual demonstration with interactive examples.
Worksheets to Practice Converting Distances and lengths—Answer, Find, and Shade (Level 3)
Millimeters, centimeters, kilometers, and meters are the regular measuring units of distance and lengths. Converting these units from one measuring unit to another asks for the basic skills of fundamental math operations.
The single picture in these worksheets offers different question formats to give good practice to the metric system and USA Customary System of Measurement.
USA Customary System of Measurement
Metric System
Word Problems on Distance Worksheets (Level 3)
Here is the art worksheet that consists of different word problems to review distance in real life. So, students need to be familiar with the fundamental skills of converting measuring units from kilometers to meters and vice versa.
Important Note: Students need to consider 1-kilo meter = 0.62 miles to color the picture correctly during the conversion process.
Planet Map Scaling Worksheets (Level 1)
Planet map scaling uses basic math skills to figure out the vast distances between every planet in the solar system. In these worksheets, students will find a scale on the map to calculate the approximate gaps of each heavenly body from the sun.
Learning Tip: In reality, students cannot imagine the actual distance between the planetary bodies in the solar system. So, one can demonstrate the speed of a vehicle and explain how to calculate the approximate distances between the planets.
Town Map Scaling Worksheets (Level 3)
Town map scaling is a standard procedure to calculate the distances between the localized areas and neighbor localities. In these worksheets, students have to determine the accurate distance traveled by Axel during his daily tours in the town. And the lengths are represented in the form of squares and miles to relate to real-world situations.
Learning Concept: Students learn the basic skills of ratios and fractions to change one measuring unit to another.
Town Map Scaling Worksheets (Level 2)
Students learn how to calculate the distances between the local places and cities on the map of their town using these worksheets. However, they have to calculate the distance concerning squares and feet or miles.
Learning Concept: The strategy of understanding the scale or other measuring device is mandatory to do conversions between measuring units.
Town Map Scaling Worksheets (Level 1)
Grab the interactive worksheets that review town map scaling by calculating the approximate distance of Axels’ Trip. But, students need to remember that they need to calculate the distances in terms of squares and only in feet.
Learning Concept: Understand the scale thoroughly to define the distance measurements accurately and quickly.
USA Map Scaling Worksheets (Level 2)
In these worksheets, students will find the USA map, where they need to plan the road trip (along with distances) of Superdude. Therefore, they can use the ruler to disclose the actual distances from one famous landmark to another.
Learning Concept: Students can utilize these handouts as an extension lesson plan to geography and maths. Every problem and its solutions need to be in different colors.
Practice Handouts to learn Distance Formula – Answer, Find, and Shade (Level 3)
The distance formula is an algebraic expression designed to calculate the lengths or distances of the line segments between two points. On a two and three-dimensional plane of coordinates, students need to use Pythagorean Theorem to derive the distance formula. Here is the worksheet that comes in handy to engage children during the Halloween event.
Hint: Only rational numbers are likely to be the solution to the problem!
Converting Capacity Worksheets— Answer, Find, and Shade (Level 2)
Capacity refers to the maximum amount of a pourable substance that an object or container can hold. Ounce, cups, pints, gallon, and quart are the usual measuring capacity units in the USA Customary System of Measurement.
Find the one-page art worksheet that reviews the conversion method of each capacity unit into another unit. Learn these capacity conversion skills by exploring the piece of diagrammatic information, which conveys a lot many questions and solutions.
USA Customary System of Measurement
Metric System
Time Telling Worksheets (All Levels)
Understanding the fundamental rules of what is going inside the clock helps children to tell the time correctly. So, explore these worksheets that review the basic knowledge of reading a timepiece.
Learning Concept: Students can read the clock and write down the time with the help of daily time skills.
Worksheets on Creating Clocks (All Levels)
These practice handouts offer the fundamental skills of fixing correct clock handles in their new clock models or pictures. Students can solve the time representing problems like drawing the accurate clock handles by looking at the given time frames.
Time Review – Answer, Find, and Shade (Level 1)
Here are the worksheets that help students learning about estimating the time intervals and durations like hours, counting minutes, etc.
Learning Concept: Students can read the time and even estimate the time gaps between their everyday activities in hours and minutes.
Time Art Worksheets (Level 2)
In these time art worksheets, students will find different word problems that give good practice to time. Later the students find the answers to the problems they need to shade the squares on the grid that match the answers.
Worksheets to Practice Calendar Vocabulary (Level 1)
Students can get fill-in-blank-type questions to practice problems that cover calendar vocabulary in these worksheets.
Learning Tip: Learners have to recall the time skills and vocabulary like hours, minutes, days, weeks, months, etc. review calendar vocabulary.
Review Worksheets on Calendar Skills (Level 2)
Using prior knowledge of calendar vocabulary gained in level 1 helps students solving problems on days and weeks.
Learning Concept: Students gather the data given in the calendar charts and solve time measurement problems.
Converting Temperatures Worksheets- Answer, Find, and Shade (Level 3)
Fahrenheit and Celsius are the basic measuring units of temperature. To learn conversion strategies of these two units, students have to solve and shade the answers in the box given at the end of the page.
Learning Tip: Students need to be thorough with conversion formulas to boost their problem-solving skills relating to real-life situations.