Spore Printing with Mushroom – Botany Lesson with Fungi

It’s time to deal with plants and creating spore printing with mushroom is really fun. Natural science activities for bubbling little kids.

Making mushroom spore prints fun nature science idea for kids

Spore printing can be made with plants and this fungi mushroom is so easy to do. Even your 3-year-old little one will do it in no time.

Suitable For

This experiment is part of the natural science experiment and best suited for preschool going kids and KG kids. My younger one Tisha had a great time doing this experiment.


However, elder ones will add more creativity to it and they will scrap off the pores or explore them using microscopes. So it is good to go for all kids.

Follow these simple steps and making spore prints with mushroom is so easy

Use any type of mushrooms like the large one or the tiny button type to do spore printing. There are many colors of mushroom spore-like black, brown, etc. Even the shapes vary from one to the other. So pick from the garden and try exploring with kids.

This time I used the large mushroom available in fields and they are called as an open cap or portobello mushroom. We bought it from the local store.

Things required

  • Water
  • Hairspray
  • Knife
  • White paper
  • Mushroom


Step #1: Look for a mushroom with protected gills. In case they are exposed, then use the one that is fresh.

Caution: Wild mushrooms are poisonous so be careful and let kids not keep them in their mouth. Make sure to practice washing hands every time after any activity.

Field Mushroom

Step #2: Remove the lower part and just retain the gills. Let the stem inside the gills be present until it is present inside.

If you know it is safe to eat, then let the kids eat the cut portion of the stem.  Tisha loves to eat and play with such food items.

Cutting the rim from the field mushroom to expose the gills

Step #3: Keep the mushroom top side with the gills on the paper with the gills resting on the paper. The umbrella type top will be seen on the other side. Use a thick paper as we did it with a normal A4 sheet and it bloated a bit.

Step #4: Place water droplets on the cap and this will ensure the spore to make an impression on the paper due to the wetness. Close with a box and cover it completely. Do not disturb for 12 hours or one full night. The night is best as kids will go to sleep. Otherwise, my Tisha will keep on checking to open the box out of curiosity.

Creating mushroom spore prints

Step #5: In the morning take the box out and you will be amazed to the spore printed on the paper. It will look so cool with minute prints of the spores.

Making a spore print from a field mushroom fun nature science for kids

Though they are tiny they give a gorgeous look and the gills will look perfectly impressed.

Mushroom spore print fun nature science for kids

Using the hairspray preserve the print for a longer time. But allow it to dry after spraying.

Remove some spores using a needle and see them through the microscope. Put some water on the spore and cover it. This time we missed it and planning to try next time for sure.

Biology for kids making mushroom spore prints

Based on the weather at home, humidity, and heat the mushroom will be available to be cooked after leaving the spore impression on the paper. But make sure it is in good condition before you decide to grill or toast it.

Making field mushroom spore prints

Mushroom Facts

Mushroom belongs to the fungi plant family.

The reproduction of mushroom happens by the spore getting released and these germinate into a new plant.

The spore is very tiny and requires a microscope to view through. Each matured mushroom will contain 1000s of spores and on one single gill.

They come in many colors namely black, brown, white, etc. Also, in different size, and shade.

Check this out for several innovative ideas to make spore printing with mushroom.

Create a field mushroom spore print fun biology nature science for kids

We are trying for the 2nd time and feel easy than the first time. I am planning to collect many mushrooms and try different printings. Soon you can expect exclusive page for mushroom spore printing. Stay connected with us.

Nature science make a mushroom spore print

Out other natural science experiments include

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