Are you prepared to advance your understanding of physics and amaze the audience at your upcoming science fair?
Look nowhere else! We’ve put together a selection of physics science fair projects that will astound the judges and your fellow classmates.
These projects can help you gain a deeper grasp of the rules of physics and help you stand out at the science fair. They range from investigating gravity, magnetism to exploring mysteries of physics laws. So let’s dive in!
This article lists the various physics subject projects based on grade levels for middle school students, higher education, and college students.
Select the suitable section that relates to your grade level from the below list:
Physics Science Fair Projects for Middle School
- Physics Science Fair Projects for 5th Grade
- Physics Science Fair Projects For 6th Grade
- Physics Science Fair Projects For 7th Grade
- Physics Science Fair Projects For 8th Grade
Physics Science Fair Projects For High School
- Physics Science Fair Projects for 9th Grade
- Physics Science Fair Projects for 10th Grade
- Physics Science Fair Projects for 11th Grade
- Physics Science Fair Projects for 12th Grade
Physics Science Fair Projects – College Level
List of Theoretical Physics Science Fair Projects
- Theoretical Astrophysics Projects
- Theory-based Quantum and Condensed Matter Projects
- Theoretical Plasma and Space Projects
Award Winning Physics Science Fair Projects
Physics Science Fair Projects for Middle School
Here is a list of physics science fair projects that can prove ideal for middle school students to learn and have tons of fun!
Physics Science Fair Projects for 5th Grade
- Baloon-powered Car Challenge
- Ball-Launcher Challenge
- Tallest Paper Tower Challenge
- How can the Strength of a Magnet Vary with Temperature?
- What is the Easiest Way to Cool a Soda Faster?
- Paper Ball Run Challenge
- Build a Gauss Rifle
- Bottle Rocket Blast Off
- Making a Candy Waterfall: Can Solids flow Like Liquids?
- Volleyball Machine Challenge
- Build a Levitating Water Fountain with the Stroboscopic Effect
- Hit the Slopes: Build your own Ski Lift
- Stop the Train! Magnetic Brakes for a Maglev Train
- Build a Raft Powered by Surface Tension
- The Physics of Artificial Gravity
- Forensics: How does it Matter? Measure the Spatter
- Test the Webb Space Telescope’s Amazing Multiple Mirrors and Sunshield
- Can you hear Sounds in Outer Space?
- Supercooling water and Snap Freezing
- Cricket Wicket Knockdown Challenge
- Conduct Galileo’s Famous Falling: What Goes Up, Must Come Down Object Experiment
- Be Seen after Dark- What Clothes Keep you Safe?
- Circus Trick Science: How to Balance Anything
- Giving a Lift with a Lever
- Under Siege! Use a Catapult to Storm Castle Walls
- Analyze the ‘Death’ Concept of an Orange: How is the Rate of Heat Loss Based on the Surrounding temperature?
- Mixing Mystery: Why Does Tumbling Sometimes Sepearte Mixtures?
- Spinning Colors: How do Primary Colors Combine to Make New Colors?
- Extreme Sounds: Lessons in Noisy World
- Motion Mania: Applying Physics to Hoola-Hooping
- Pop Goes to Metal: How Temperature Affects Snap Time of a Jumping disc
- Making a rainbow spinning wheel with cardboard
- Creating a tornado in a water jar with liquid soap and vinegar
- Creating hydrophobic sand with shoe polish
- Making a column of floating magnets
- Demonstration of the accuracy of a simple sundial
- Making a microscope using water and a piece of wire
- Building a simple catapult
- Making a travelling flame
- Floating needle experiment
- Creating a density tower
- Creating a balloon car
- Ink and water experiment
- Soap and surface tension experiment
Physics Science Fair Projects for 6th Grade
- Experiment with static electricity. How can you create it, and How can you reduce it? What substances are the best conductors of Static Electric Current?
- Make electromagnets with various strengths: using iron filings, compare their magnetic fields to find the iron effect on a compass needle and how strong their attraction is.
- Make a voltaic cell and research household electrolytes to search for the strongest electricity producer.
- Can I use a magnet and find iron traces in food, dollar bills, and other household remedies?
- What indoor and outdoor substances can you use to create antennas for a crystal radio? Also, what favorable weather conditions will assure the best possible frequency of the radio?
- Types of liquid that can conduct electricity, and can you use electricity to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen?
- Experiment showing how you can use a magnet and electric field to slow down the motion of a falling magnetism physics.
- What are the best shape designs for paper airplanes and the best material for propellers?
- Launching a rocket to test the thrust and aerodynamic design.
- Create and design a balloon-powered rocket car.
- Create an experiment showing how good or poorly different structures or materials withstand pressure.
- When you stretch plastic wraps with equal force having different brands, which of them is better?
- How do different duct or clear tape types compare strength and stickiness?
- What flooring type should you have for less friction?
- Use toy cars or dynamic carts to test the impact of increased mass on velocity and what results after a moving and unmoving object collides.
- Which metal type conducts the fastest heat, and do some metals conduct heat more evenly than others? What materials are the best insulators?
- Experiment to check the amount of energy needed to catapult a heavier object than a light object and create a similar experiment with a bow and arrow.
- Learn about centripetal force by making a mini roller coaster and understanding the physics used.
- How to compare the efficiency of an incandescent bulb to a fluorescent and what about LEDs? What is the amount of heat energy they produce?
- Comparing different types of insulation for effectiveness and which keeps out the most heat and cold?
- Can solar cells be used to recharge a battery? What is th comparison of a collar cell to a battery system of the same voltage?
- Can you use solar energy more effectively in your home(find ways)?
- How to create an effective turbine system? How to connect a water turbine to a generator to produce electricity?
- Making a barometer and measuring atmospheric pressure
- Demonstrating static electricity with a balloon
- Creating a periscope with cardboard
- Creating a popsicle stick harmonica
- Making a windmill working model
- Creating a pulley working model
- Making a rainbow using a prism
- Making a winding battery train
- Making a non-stop fountain
- Making an electromagnet
- Creating a kaleidoscope
- Creating a visual doppler
Physics Science Fair Projects for 7th Grade
- How is white light created?- Topic Addictive Colors
- Balloon Rocket Car- To describe Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
- Build an Electromagnet system
- How to build a device that will detect the Earth’s electromagnet fields?
- How to create lightning using the home appliances?
- Egg in a bottle- Pressure check
- Floating balloon
- Friction and Vibration- How to check whether frictional force can allow the glass to vibrate?
- Galileo’s Experiment describes the falling objects experiment.
- Homemade Windmill
- The inertia of an Egg
- Jar Compass– how to determine the earth’s magnetic force by creating a compass in a jar?
- Levers and Force concept
- How to pull an ice cube from a watered glass using a string?
- Long-lasting bubbles- How to create bubbles that are long-lasting or permanent?
- Magnified light- How to magnify sunlight using a magnifying glass?
- Create a fuse device model- how do You Prevent Fire Using a fuse?
- Create a parallel circuit
- How to create an elevator system of your own to understand the concept?
- Make Electric Circuits
- How water displacement causes objects to float?
- Creating static electricity
- Matchbox Guitar- to understand how string instruments work by creating a miniature guitar
- Missing reflection
- Musical Bottles- to understand how different pitch notes work
- Paper bridge- to demonstrate the force of tension.
- Pascal’s Law
- Pythagorean Tuning- to detect how the length of a piece of the string affects the sound
- Rollercoasters and Loops
- Rubber heat Reaction
- Secondary colors
- Separate Salt and Pepper using static electricity
- Snappy Sounds- to check how colliding particles produce sound
- Sound waves- experiment to study how sound waves can penetrate various materials.
- Spectrum through water- Light Spectrum theorem
- Super Strength Egg- To describe the weight of an eggshell using weight and pressure.
- Electricity generation with salt water and razor
- Crushing an Aluminium Can with air pressure
- Creating a water dispenser working model
- Making a balancing scale
- Principle of Buoyancy experiment
- Demonstration of light travelling in a straight line
- Fire and water balloon
- Specify your beverage
Physics Science Fair Projects for 8th Grade
- Laser Light Scattering technique to determine the particle type in an air sample
- Direct Solar Pole Heater
- Can Acoustic tiles block sound?
- Does the rate of heating have an affinity for salinity?
- Can a magnet’s temperature affect its strength?
- How to avoid cold feet?
- Quantifying the effect of Skyglow on the visibility of stars
- How to quantify the impact of Tungsten Illumination?
- Radioactive Attenuation and the Inverse Square Law
- Ringing Saturn
- Ruben’s Tube
- Safely Thawing Meat used while Backpacking
- Saltwater and Sound
- Seebeck effect
- Simulation and Animation of the n-Body Problem in Two-Bodies
- Singing Goblets
- Solar tubes v/s Conventional Fluorescent
- Specific heat in Materials
- Spectrum and temperature relationship
- Standing waves
- Stellar Parallax
- Study of Force created from a changing magnetic field.
- How to know the qualities that maximize your CPU Cooling efficiency?
- Study of the Wavelike Properties of Light
- Sunderbans Estuary Simulated
- Super Sound Science
- Pendulum Swing
- Tempest in a Teacup
- Sound Deacy Test in various Gasses
- Shield effect on Beta Particles and Gamma Rays
- The Frank-Hertz Experiment
- The Invisible force
- The notion of Motion
- Solar heating and Night cooling of surfaces
- Alternating magnetic Fields
- The Violin Sound Post
- The Whispering gallery Effect
- Tired of Noise
- How to use Solutions’ Absorbance Spectra To predict their Heating by Light
- Using Sound to measure temperature
- Viscosity and Volcanoes’ relationship
- Which Insulating sports fabric will have a better Camper?
- Zero Gravity Elevator System
- Making a tea bag float in the air
- Making a compass with a magnetic needle
- Making Newton’s cradle working model
- Demonstrating the different phases of the moon
- Demonstrating the impact of temperature on battery life
- Designing a robotic hand
- Demonstrating the law of inertia using a fidget spinner
- Building a levitating train using a magnet
- Building a paper roller coaster
- Building a solar car
- Making a simple electric generator
Physics Science Fair Projects for High School
Here is a list of 10 physics science fair projects appropriate for high school students. Some of these may demand adult supervision for safety concerns.
Physics Science Fair Projects for 9th Grade
- Laser Security System- How to create the system with the help of the mirror reflection principle?
- Arduino-based flood detection system project
- Electric ropeway project
- Aryabhatt satellite Model using a 9v battery
- Using Climate change modelling to know Hypoxia and Acidification
- A mathematical approach that is novel-based to understand beforehand the spreading of a Wildfire
- Explore the Deep space- Stars and black hole
- The study of Dark Matter
- Marble Roller Coaster
- Rainbow fire Experiment
- Converting Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy using a marble roller coaster
- How to detect whether color affects the heating by absorption of light?
- The Physics of Catapult Projectile Motion- Launch Time
- How to measure the light speed with an Owen?
- Hot to know the speed of light using a Laser in a Gelatin
- Determine the surface tension of water
- Stealthy Shapes- Is it possible to make an Aircraft invisible to the Radar System?
- Measure the sugar level of a liquid using a Laser Pointer
- Create a Paper Speaker and measure the frequency response
- Make two phone books and use them to lift a car
- A model of Gravity that exists in our Solar System
- How to know whether all the colors absorb Radiant Energy?
- Watching Nuclear Particles-Check the Background Radiation Zoom Using a cloud chamber.
- The linear motion and height limits in Bouncy Balls- project topic can be “On the Rebound.”
- Understanding the concept of the “Mpemba Effect” to check whether Hot Water can Freeze faster than cold water.
- Rocket Science concept to see how high you can let the payload stand.
- Solid Motor Rocket Propulsion
- Constant Acceleration and Distance mechanism
- How to protect the Space Radiation Energy?
- How is frequency dependent on Sound for Absorption?
- Creating an Ion Build Rotor- Ion Thruster
- Understanding the simple motion of Harmonics in a Spring-Mass system
- How to know that Radioactive Particles dissolve within the cloud chamber- “Particles in the Mist.”
- How to predict the Spatter in CSI?
- Measuring the Data track storage space on a CD or a DVD using a Laser pointer
- Building a lightning storm detector
- Building a wind turbine generator
- Making a wireless telegraph set
- Making a working model of a parachute
- Demonstrating image formation using a convex lens
- Demonstrating image formation using a concave mirror
- Demonstrating the effect of temperature on resistance
- Making the working model of a lift
- Building an electroscope
- Flying tinsel experiment
- Microwave grape
Physics Science Fair Projects for 10th Grade
- Experiment with and differentiate various diagnosis techniques, i.e., X-Rays, CAT Scans, and MRIs.
- Understanding the Physics behind Car Safety mechanism
- How to use optical devices to enhance Binocular Vision in Stereopsis?
- How to know the relationship between tall narrow buildings and the breaking point of a pencil?
- Understand the science of Aviation systems and flight
- Using Electromagnetic forces to project the motion of a projectile in a coil
- Investigate the Cosmological theory of the Big Bang
- How to create a Solenoid Engine?
- Creating a raft powered by Surface Tension
- Solar Powered grill from a Recycled Carton Box
- How to light an LED Lamp using a Thermister
- Characteristics of Diode
- Tangent Galvanometer
- Study the concept of reflection in a concave mirror
- Ohm’s Law and Resistance
- How to know the variation of current using LDR?
- Energy Conservation in two dimensions
- Refractive index of different liquids using a hollow prism.
- Automatic Night Lamp using a Transistor
- Viscosity of Fluids
- Building a crystal radio detector
- Demonstrating the impact of water salinity on electrolysis
- Building a homopolar motor
- Making a lemon battery
- Creating steel wool fire
- Creating an optical illusion using a mirror
- Making a pencil welding machine
- Building a heat engine with magnets
- Model of an atomic structure
- Impact of propellant size on thrust produce
- Demonstrating how different colours absorb heat differently
Physics Science Fair Projects for 11th Grade
- Will a Guitar String Vibrate Forever?
- Effectiveness of Recycled Materials as Thermal Insulation
- How to create sound with heat?
- Across the Universe
- Cosmic Ray Shower Array Reconstruction
- Cold Nuclear Fusion
- Investigation of Black Hole thermodynamics
- AC Transformer construction
- Analysis of voice frequency across Ethnic Identities
- Zero Gravity Elevator Experiment
- Voltage Regulator using Zener Diode
- Use of Sound to Measure Temperature
- To measure the Electrical Resistance Variation.
- How to determine the Time Constant for an RC Circuit
- Demonstrate the production of Induced EAIF
- The most efficient Automobile Sunshade
- Study of Constituent of Alloys
- Logic Gate
- Photoresistor
- How do fish achieve Neutral Buoyancy?
- Making a powered air car
- Creating a battery-powered spinning carnival rise
- Making a flying mini drone
- Making a projector
- Zero gravity hanging water
- Creating an anti-gravity structure
- Generating electricity from rainwater
- Electromagnetic conduction model
- Working model of a vacuum cleaner
- Making a matchbox microphone
- Making a dancing doll using the centre of mass
Physics Science Fair Projects for 12th Grade
- Electric-powered Car
- Electrical Motor
- How to make a Visual Doppler?
- What is Buoyancy 101?
- How to Transfer Heat in an Incandescent Lamp?
- Insulation Value
- How does gas pass through an Infrared Spectrum?
- Marvelous Magnetics
- Long and Short Wavelength Colors
- How can you use Recycled Substances for Thermal Insulation, and what is its impact?
- Hydro Power System
- Salt Water v/s Tap Water
- Hooke’s Law
- Proving Universal Gravitation by Warping Space-Time
- The Comparison of Thermal Conductivity of Various Metals
- Measurement of True Noon Time
- Blackbody Thermal Emission
- How to know that Archimedes’s Principle is Right?
- Hiding in Plain Sight
- Murray’s Principle of Minimum Work
- The Thickness of Foam and Sound Attenuation
- Demonstration of the refractive index of different liquids
- Making a rain alarm system
- Creating a water-level indicator
- Making a portable mobile charger
- Creating a gas leakage detector
- Creating a solar cooker
- Making a conveyor belt
- Bell jar working model
- Demonstration of temperature affecting magnets
- Generating hydro-power
List of College-Level Physics Science Fair Projects
Here is a list of College level science fair projects in Physics.
- The Study of Nanotechnology
- Plane and Simple Technique
- Electricity conduction in Battery using Potatoe
- Does Size Matter in a Parachute?
- Detecting the Highest Stored Electricity among all Vegetables?
- Understanding the Concept of Catapult and Pulley
- How to Cool your Drinks Faster?
- The Future of Electricity- Wireless Energy
- Elasticity v/s Temperature
- Creating a Radiation Geiger Chamber
- How can Eggs Float on Water?
- Impact of Gravity on the Acceleration of a Rolling Object
- Which Fluid is the Most Viscous?
- How to Create Super Snow Squeezing Water-Producing Machine?
- Crystal Radio
- Powerless Radio
- Electrical Crane
- Count on Calories
- Creating Electrical Current Using Magnet
- How to Create Sound with Heat?
- Ruben’s Tube
- Seebeck Effect
- Simulation and Animation of the n-Body Problem in Two-Bodies
- Creating a pinball machine
- Making a 3-D Hologram Box screen
- Making a robot spider
- Creating an electric saw
- Creating a 3-D printer
- Traffic light working model
- Working model of a wind turbine
- Creating an automatic street lighting system
- Making a fingerprint door lock
- Building a hydraulic crane
- Building a waterphone
- Making an electric skateboard
- Making an electric wheelbarrow
- Steam engine electricity generator
- Making a wireless power transfer system
- Laser door security system
- Solar power irrigation system
- Building a mini flour mill model
- Transmitting data via light
List of Theoretical Physics Science Fair Projects
Theoretical Astrophysics Projects
- Computation of Physics in Evolution in Stellar
- Analyzing the Remnants of Recent Supernova Explosions in the Milky Way
- Understanding the Relationship between Galaxies and the Central Black Hole
- Fundamental Astronomy of Cataclysmic Binaries
- High Altitude Aerial Platforms for Astronomical Research
- Mass Black Holes in Dwarf Starburst Galaxies
- Theoretical Cosmology Projects
- Big Bang After Cosmic Inflation
- Dark Energy Interactions
- Fundamentals Tests of Cosmology
- Information Theory and the Complexity of Nature
- Life on Earth and Elsewhere
- Physics of Cosmic Acceleration
Theory-based Quantum and Condensed Matter Projects
- An Analog Circuits Approach to Quantum Systems
- Dynamics and Control of Open Quantum Systems
- Engineering Quantum Dynamics of Low-Dimensional Spin Networks
- Gravitationally Induced Decoherence
- High-Fidelity Control and Readout Spins in Semiconductors
- Man-Body Quantum Chaos and Quantum Thermodynamics
Theoretical Plasma and Space Projects
- BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses)
- Characterizing the out-of-ecliptic Solar Wind
- Magnetic Reconnection
- Measuring Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance Using Transmitters of Opportunity
- The mechanism for Higher Harmonic Radio Emission for Aurorae
List of Award Winning Physics Science Fair Projects
Some of the physics projects presented in the science fairs organized by various educational institutes and organizations are outstanding and even received prestigious awards. Here is a list of 10 such physics science fair projects.
- Cracks in The Earth
- The Aerodynamic Lift
- Improvement of Aircraft Maintenance
- Conversion of Vibration Bridges into Electricity
- The Hockey Stick Flex and Its Effect on Shot and Speed
- The Examination of Rocket Guidance Systems to Enhance Space Flight Maneuverability
- Squid Jet- An Underwater Bio-Inspired Vehicle using Jet Propulsion
- How to Prevent Ice to Stop Increasing in Size using Hydro Power Line?
- Free Energy Concept- The Theory of Perpetual Motion Machines
- How to Control Food Intake Speed with Electronic CIrcuity?
- Advanced solar energy tracking system
- Automatic Smart zebra crossing working model
- Smart expandable warehouse
- Floating house with solar panel
- Making an earthquake alarm system
- Making a laser security alarm
- Train accident prevention system
- Fire Extinguisher working model
- Smart dustbin using a sensor
- Making an atmospheric water generator