Here in this video, it’s a beginner course narrated in English and uses some dominoes, cello- tape, two pencils, a marble, and a paperclip to create a Time Lag Device.Let’s relish the video and observe the Pythagora-Switch, in other words, we can say, “The Domino Effect: A Sequential Constructive Energy.”
Observation & Learning
The push causes the first domino to fall, which, as a chain, causes all the others to fall serially. Movement can take place in one direction only. When the first one was hit, all the rest Dominoes fell at the same speed accordingly.
The narrator has built a Pythagora switch using simple, homemade items. These short videos do not increase our curiosity but teach us something new. This also increases the creativity, reasoning, thinking process, and memory of kids.
Here, the creator has built a model just like the transmission (a small mechanism) of nerve impulses. The dominoes represent the nerve cells (neurons) through which the nerve impulse is transmitted. Neurons react only if the stimulus exceeds a minimum threshold. Similarly, if we just touch the first domino, it does not fall. The nerve impulse is transmitted at the same speed along the nerves, without losing energy, just like the dominoes, which fall at the same speed.
As in dominoes, the nerve impulse travels in one direction only. If some nerve cells are damaged (for example due to an accident) the transmission of the nerve impulse is also interrupted. And we can not achieve the goal, aim, or the pre-assumed direction of the transmission.
“Pythagora-Switch” (Pitagora Suitchi) by Pythagora Equipment Academy
“Pythagora Switch” is a TV program for young children that has been broadcast on NHK Educational Television show since April 9, 2002. These tutorials have a collection of homemade chain reactions with familiar stuff, toys and stuff from around the home.
“Pythagora Switch” is a great series of mini-mechanism tutorial videos from Japan’s one of the best “Pitagora Suitchi“ educational TV shows. It is a program where you can discover “rules” that are hidden in everyday life from familiar things and develop “thinking”. Broadcasting in a style with new special corners added to regular corners, such as animation using sugar cubes and corners where the movement of objects and movements can be inferred from the movement of dots.
Folks! Today we will see a similar kind of tutorial video called Pythagora-Switch produced by Pythagora Equipment Academy. In our daily lives, we have hidden mysterious structures, interesting ideas, and laws.
In the program, The Pythagora Equipment Academy aims to foster children’s “thinking” in various corners such as puppet shows, anime, songs, gymnastics, and equipment.
The tutorials program was created in 2002 to support unique ways of reasoning and thinking in kids. But its magic is still alive! Moreover, this short piece of tutorial highlights various Pythagorean devices and designs, very similar to the Japanese Rube Goldberg machines.
Do you know what the Domino effect is?
The domino effect is an uninterrupted chain reaction that occurs when a subtle change, in turn, gives rise to another similar change, producing, in fact, a linear sequence. Furthermore, this expression (domino effect) arises from the fall of the domino tiles placed in a row. By pushing the first domino, it hits the second, which in turn, hits the third, etc.
In other words, it is a linear chain reaction that occurs when a small change is able to produce another similar change, giving rise to a linear sequence.
Interesting To Know
In 2009, on November 13 to be exact, the Weijers domino company organized the largest domino fall in the world in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands: 4,491,863 tiles. An incredible spectacle installation but, even more, the effect of the fall. A single tile caused a chain reaction that unleashed – it has been calculated – over 94,000 joules of energy, the equivalent of 545 push-ups performed by an average man. Each domino tile represents a small amount of potential energy, the more tiles you put together the more potential energy you accumulate. This has been demonstrated by Weijers Production.