Are you interested in taking up the challenge of learning science words alphabetically?
If so, here is the list of science words that start with the alphabet ‘J’.
Glossary of Science Words that start with the letter ‘J’
Continue reading to explore J letter science words. Here is what we covered in this article:
- Chemistry / Chemical words starting J
- General Science Terms Starting with J
- Scientist Names Starting with J
- Inventor Names Starting with J
- Scientific Instruments Starting with J
- Science Experiment Names Starting with J
Science Words That start with J in Chemical Field
Jablonski Diagram: A Jablonski diagram is a sketch, mostly related to the field of molecular spectroscopy. It demonstrates the electronic or energy states and transitions between the molecules. And these electronic states are in the vertical region and in the horizontal part by spin multiplicity. Fluorescence is another way to represent energy states in the Jablonski diagram according to photon energy level transfers. So, it is basically an energy diagram extensively useful in Fluorescence spectroscopy to demonstrate the radiative and non-radiative transitions between molecules.
Do you want to know how to draw Jablonski diagrams? Then. Click here: How to draw Jablonski Diagrams
Jacobson’s organ: It is a chemosensory organ that takes a hero role in the olfactory system of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and other animals that belong to vertebrates. The main function of this organ is to detect the thick moisture-borne stinky constituent parts. And it is present as a patch with a group of sensory cells in the main nasal chamber. However, this organ is encompassed by a blind sac with an anterior opening tube, abounding with both glandular and vascular networks.
Well, the other names of this organ are Vomeronasal organ or vomeronasal pits.
j (total angular momentum quantum number): In quantum mechanics, one can calculate the total angular momentum quantum number by combining a particle’s orbital and intrinsic angular momentum. J=L+S; L= Angular Momentum Quantum Number & S= Spin Quantum Number.
Joule: According to the International System of Units, the joule is the SI energy unit. It measures the capability of doing work or generating heat. This energy unit, joule, is named after James Prescott Joule. So, one joule is the unit of energy = Work completed by a power of one newton performing through a distance of one meter. 1j= 107 ergs or approximately 0.7377 foot-pounds.
Jodium or Jod: Jodium is the Latin name for Iodine. Iodine is the chemical element with atomic number 53 and symbol I in the periodic table. Among stable halogens, iodine is the heaviest one. However, externally it appears as a lustrous non-metallic purple solid substance under standard conditions. But it melts at 114 degrees Celsius and turns liquid in nature and deep violet in color. And at 184 degrees Celsius, it turns into a gaseous state in violet color.
Atomic Mass: 126.90447 u
Electron Configuration: [Kr] 4d105s25p5
Electro Negativity: 2.66
Junction Point: Polymers use a point to connect their network through branches. This point is Junction Point.
Junction Unit: Junction unit is a single or group of atoms that are not the repeat ones in a block of macromolecules in the location where monomers are placed.
General Science Terms that start with ‘J’
Jurassic: Jurassic is the geologic period of the Mesozoic Era between the ending of the Triassic Period (201.3 million years ago Mya) and the start of the Cretaceous Period 145 Mya.
Jungle: The jungle is a vast land with dense vegetation and forest, generally located in tropical areas.
Jupiter: The biggest planet among all other nine planets in our Solar system is Jupiter. It takes the fifth position from the Sun and consists of swirling cloud stripes. Well, the five important facts about Jupiter include:
1) It is massive with the total amount of gas matter
2) It is never ever a star
3) The fastest spinning planet in the solar system
4) Surprisingly, it has 67 moons and rings with a magnetic field four times greater than Earth.
5) The clouds of Jupiter are 50m thick
Jet Stream: Jet streams are the fastest moving air current, present on very few planets of the solar system. However, Earth is one such planet that experiences the fastest air currents at the altitude of the tropopause. But these air currents are very weak in nature on Earth. Well, a meandering shape is the typical feature of these air currents.
Jovian Planet: There are two types of planets in our solar system. I.e. Jovian and Terrestrial planets. Jovian planets are a group of planets such as Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter. Anything related to Jupiter planet and Jupiter-like planets comes under this category.
Jejunum: Jejunum is the tiny part of the small intestine present in higher vertebrates such as mammals, reptiles, birds, and humans. The primary function of jejunum is to absorb small nutrient molecules such as amino acids, sugars, and fatty acids. This is because it consists of a special lining, which absorbs molecules using enterocytes. In addition, the jejunum is also specialized in absorbing materials that are not digested and absorbed by the duodenum. Forex: Vitamin B12 and Bile acids
Junction Cell: Junction cells are the intercellular bridges that help in the production of adhesive contact between one cell and neighboring cells. Well, it consists of multi-protein complexes to maintain the contact between the cells. Also, this adhesive contact helps to connect a cell with its extracellular matrix present in animals.
Junk DNA: Generally, DNA consists of genetic information and instructions i.e. coding regions and non-coding regions. Well, coding regions contain instructions to produce proteins in the cells whereas non-coding regions remain non-productive. However, these non-coding regions refer to junk DNA. As non-coding regions do not provide any information to produce proteins, scientists named them “junk”.
Still, the research is going on junk DNA to explore its functions and how far it is helpful in providing genetic information. According to scientific studies, the human body consists of 98% of junk DNA because these DNA sequences codes nothing and are useless. Hence, only 2% of DNA is coding DNA which actually codes for producing necessary proteins according to the coding instructions.
J-chain: The mucosal and glandular plasma cells express minor polypeptides in order to regulate the polymer formation antibodies, IgA (Immunoglobulin A), and IgM (Immunoglobulin M). Well, J-chain is one such tiny polypeptides with enough protein components of dimeric IgA and pentameric IgM from plasma cells. In fact, J-chain incorporation helps these antibodies in expressing a lot many features like linking the subunits of each multimer.
Jumping Gene: Jumping genes, otherwise known as ‘Transposons’ are the specific DNA sequences that jump from one place to another place within the genome. Such DNA sequences are transposable elements, capable to mutate or alter the genome’s size and genetic information of the cells. Mostly, because of the jumping nature of transposable elements, duplication of the same genetic information or sequences happens.
The reason for the jumping genes is to develop egg and sperm cells which plays important role in evolution. However, the same jumping genes may also lead to new mutations, which result in various diseases such as cancer and hemophilia.
Jumping PCR: PCR is a revolutionary technique in Biotechnology. Scientists use this technique to produce DNA sequences in large amounts using small or repaired DNA sequences. To put it simply, the reconstruction of repaired DNA sequences found in biological tissues or cells is the jumping PCR technique. There are two cycles in the PCR technique for reconstructing double-stranded DNA sequences. In the first cycle, every primer strand extends until it reaches the broken template. Whereas in the second cycle, newly synthesized strands develop at the damaged templates. In this way, both the cycles continue their functioning until they build new and continuous DNA strands.
Joining (J) Segment: Joining segment is a tiny DNA segment that helps in joining the functional genes in order to produce functional genes on immunoglobulins.
Junctional Diversity: Junctional diversity happens in the place where V and J segments meet. This diversity reveals the variations in the DNA sequences produced by the incorrect linking of small segments of the gene during the V and J segments re-joining practice. Coding the hypervariable CR3 region in the antigen-combining pocket is the main function of junctional diversity.
Jumping Library: Jumping libraries, also known as jumping fragment libraries that help for the complete collection of genomic DNA fragments. Chromosome jumping helps in the production of these DNA fragments. These libraries help in 1) analyzing the regions of the genome in large size and 2) and to analyze the limitations in common cloning techniques. So, to keep it simple, the jumping library is a prominent tool or technique that helps in plotting and sequencing the chromosome cells in larger areas.
Juxta: Juxta is an organ present in the Lepidoptera males, located between two valvae. This organ supports another organ of insects that helps in reproduction. The word ‘Juxta’ is derived from the Latin word, Iuxta which means ‘alongside’. Juxta is otherwise helpful in representing the identical structure of it in flesh flies.
Jaw: The jaw is a facial structure that contains teeth, a movable lower jaw, and an immovable upper jaw. The lower jaw is mandible while the upper jaw is maxilla. All these parts of the frame structure of the face form the framework of the mouth in all vertebrates. The primary function of jaws is grinding, cutting, and managing food in the mouth.
Juice: Juice is a healthy drink from the processing of liquid content in fruits and vegetables. Fruit juices are healthy but when highly concentrated, it turns unhealthy as the sugars may cause obesity and overweight issues. Which eventually results in high blood pressure, diabetes, heart stroke, and other medical issues.
Joint: A joint is an area where two or more bones link to one another. These joints in the human body help to move the bones with the help of soft tissue known as cartilage. Cartilage covers the naked bone at their joints. In the human body, there are 206 bones in total. Hinge, Pivot, Saddle, Planar, condyloid, and ball-and-socket are the five main joints in the human body.
Jasmine: Jasmine is basically a plant but the name is widely known as a flower name. The flower of the jasmine plant gives a good fragrance. And this plant belongs to the olive family the genus of shrubs. The flower has many uses such as: being helpful in making medicines to treat liver disease hepatitis, liver pain because of cirrhosis, and diarrhea. Also, helpful for relaxing the mind, motivating sexual desire, and even treating cancer.
The smell of jasmine is very much popular in making perfumes and scents as it has the richness of fragrance on a sweet note.
Jelly Fish: Jelly Fish is a planktonic marine animal belonging to the sub-phylum, Medusozoa. Medusozoa is a major phylum in the family Cnidaria. Sea jellies are the other name for jellyfish which has no eyes, brain, heart, or bones. They just consist of soft tissue made up of tentacles and stinging cells. So, they use these stinging cells to grab the prey after making it paralyzed. The mouth of jellyfish is at the center of its body. One can see jellyfish in all Ocean waters.
List of Scientists whose name starts with ‘J’
Eastman Jacobs: Eastman Jacobs was one of the famous aerodynamicists during the 1980s and was famous for studying and developing many fields in aerodynamics. These fields include airfoils, turbulence, wind tunnels, boundary layers, and schlieren photography. He was awarded Write Brothers Medal in 1933 and worked for Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory. Later the names were renamed NASA Langley Research Center in 1958.
Robert M Jacobson: He was a medical director of the Population Health Science Program of the Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery. He showed his research skills in the fields of immunology, pediatrics, medicine, vaccinology, pediatrics, and epidemiology. He became famous for his research in vaccinology at the Mayo Clinic.
Bruce Jakosky: Bruce Jakosky is an American scientist currently working as a professor at Geological Sciences. He also works as associate director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is been working in different fields such as Mars Observer, Solar Mesosphere Explorer, Viking, Clementine, Mars Science Laboratory, etc. Most importantly he is currently showing his skills in designing upcoming spacecraft missions.
Alejandro Jenkins: Alejandro Jenkins is a theoretical physicist of nationality Costa Rican. Currently, he is a member of the National Academy of Sciences in Costa Rica and a professor at the University of Costa Rica. As a physicist, well-known for his studies in the application of quantum field theory to practical cosmology and physics. Also, his research is going on in quantum thermodynamics.
John T. James: John T. James is an American medical scientist and toxicologist born in Memphis, Tennessee. Currently, he is the Chief Toxicologist at the National Aeronautics & Space Administration. Besides, he also joined NASA in 1989 and presently he is playing the role of chief scientist of space toxicology at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Well, he is famous for providing and analyzing the quality of spacecraft’s inside air through which humans travel. Space crafts include International Space Station ones and space shuttles.
William A. Jeffrey: William A. Jeffrey, 13th Director of National Institute of Standards and Technology and currently working as CEO of SRI International, American Non-profit Scientific Research Institute in California. He is well-known for his efforts in the fields of physics and astronomy, which gave him the honor of receiving the following awards. 1) Navigator Award from the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 2) Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service, and also an honorary member of the International Society of Automation.
Herrick L. Johnston: Herrick L. Johnston was a famous scientist from America who is specializing in Cryogenics. Cryogenics is the field where innovative production of materials happens at very low temperatures.
Joaquin Fuster: He is a famous Spanish Neuroscientist. Neurosciences is the medical study of the nervous system. He was awarded a lot many awards for his talent and research in this field such as 1) the 2006 Patricia Goldman-Rakic Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Cognitive Research and 2) the 2000 Fyssen Foundation International Prize for research excellence.
List of Inventors
Moritz von Jacobi: He was popular for his studies and research in the fields of physics and engineering. Also, electric motors, Galvano plastics, and wire telegraphy were the fields where Jacobi put his efforts and was honored with many prestigious awards. Besides, Jacobi is well-known for the Maximum Power Theorem. And he worked on developing the electric telegraph and strong supporter of the metric system.
Rudolf Jaenisch: Jaenisch is a German scientist, well-known for ‘Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation, ‘Therapeutic Cloning’, and ‘Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Currently, he is working as a professor at MIT (Massachusets Institute of Technology) and a member of the Whitehead Institute of Bio-Medical Research. He is famous for generating genetically modified mice for analyzing cancer and other neurological diseases. On the other hand, he is the developer of ‘Transgenic Science’. And here is the list of prestigious awards:
1) Boehringer Mannheim Molecular Bioanalytics Prize (1996)
2) Gruber Prize in Genetics (2001)
3) Robert Koch Prize (2002)
4) Max Delbruk Medal (2006)
5) Massry Prize from the Keck School of Medicine (2008)
6) Wolf Prize in Medicine (2011)
7) National Medal of Science (2011)
Karl Guthe Jansky: Jansky was a famous American Scientist who firstly discovered ‘Radio Waves’ emitting from Milky Way. So, he was one of the establishment figures of Radio Astronomy and a physicist and radio engineer by profession. In his honor, the radio astronomers named the unit strength of radio sources ‘Jansky’. 1 Jy = 10−26 W m−2 Hz−1 . Also, the name of the Jansky crater on the moon and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) postdoctoral fellowship program, were both named after Karl Jansky’s death. Besides, NRAO also honors its annual prize winners with the ‘Jansky Prize’.
Karl Jatho: Karl Jatho born in 1873 and died in 1933, was not only the inventor but also the aviation pioneer plus public servant of Hanover City.
Ali Javan: Ali Javan was a popular inventor and physicist from America and Iran. He is well known for Gas Lasers, Laser Spectroscopy, and Laser without Invention, and Timing Frequency of Light. Here is his list of honors:
1) Member of Sigma Xi
2) National Academy of Sciences Fellow
3) American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow
4) First member of Eurasian Academy in 2012
5) SPIE Fellow in 2011
6) Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2006
7) Albert Einstein World Award of Science of the World Cultural Council in 1993
8) Humboldt Foundation Fellowship in 1979
9) Frederic Ives Medal of the Optical Society of America in 1975
10) Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in 1966
11) Fanny and John Hertz Foundation Medal in 1966
12) Stuart Ballantine Medal from Franklin Institute in 1962 for “conception and development of the primary constant optical laser utilizing Neon and Helium”
Ismail al-Jazari: Jazari was not only a famous inventor but also a polymath, artisan, mechanical engineer, polymath, scholar, mathematician, and artist. The book, “Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices” written by him was a huge hit in explaining various mechanical devices around 100. Also, he invented the flush toilet and elephant clock. By the way, he belonged to the era of, the Islamic Golden Age born in 1136 CE and died in 1206 CE.
Ibn al-Jazzar: Jazzar was a famous physician of the 10th century by profession and a Muslim by religion. He was famous for writing about Islamic Medicine. Though he was born in Tunisia, he became popular with the name ‘Algizar’ in European countries. Some of their famous books from him were: Zād al-Musāfir, geriatric medicine, the health of the elderly, sleep disorders, pediatrics, therapeutics, leprosy, sexual disorders, etc.
Ányos Jedlik: Jedlik, is an inventor, physicist, engineer, and benedictine priest by profession. And he was born in 1800 and died in 1895 in Hungaria. He became famous for writing many books and was a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Hence, Hungarians call him the “father of the dynamo and electric motor”. The first device he demonstrated was ‘Direct Electric Motors’.
Alec Jeffreys: The techniques used currently and widely in the forensic science department, are DNA Profiling and Genetic Finger Printing. Well, Alec Jeffreys was the inventor of these techniques useful for police in resolving many criminal issues. Currently, he is a genetics professor at the University of Leicester by profession. He received the title, ‘Knight Bachelor’ for his efforts in the field of genetics. And also, he received a lot many awards like around 9 awards for his talent and scientific services.
Charles Francis Jenkins: Cinema and Television are today’s most entertaining fields for humans. And the inventor of these entertaining devices was Charles Francis Jenkins. He was an American inventor and served as a pioneer of early cinema. He worked as a stenographer in the school where he studied. Radio Photographs, Radio Photograms, Vision By Radio, and The Boyhood of an Inventor are a few of his many books on motion pictures and television.
Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs, CEO, Chairman, and Co-founder of Apple Inc. was a great industrial designer, business magnate, Entrepreneur, media proprietor, and investor. This American businessman was famous as a pioneer of the Personal Computer Revolution with Steve Wozniak Co-creator of the Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and the first Apple Stores.
Amos E. Joel Jr.: He was born in Philadelphia in 1918 but is widely known as an American Engineer in the field of Electricity. The awards he earned were: 1) IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal in 1976, Stuart Ballantine Medal in 1981, Kyoto Prize in 1989, IEEE Medal of Honor in 1992, National Medal of Technology in 1993, National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2008, Marconi Society Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009.
Carl Edvard Johansson: Johansson was the inventor of the Gauge Block Set, also known as ‘Jo Blocks’. And he received a patent for this called, “Gauge Block Sets for Precision Measurement”. Also, he established the Swedish company CE Johansson AB (CEJ AB), Eskilstuna, Sweden in 1911.
Johan Petter Johansson: He was a famous inventor, industrialist, and military person. The modern adjustable spanner was invented by Johansson for which he received 100 patents. Also, he invented the plumber wrench.
Philipp von Jolly: Jolly was from Germany and a mathematician and physicist by profession. He became famous as the foremost and leading experimental physicist, who worked on gravity acceleration and osmosis.
Tom Parry Jones: The technological Achievement award winner, Tom Parry Jones was a popular scientist, entrepreneur, and inventor. He invented the first handheld electronic Breathalyzer. In his later life, he also worked for developing PPM Technology, a company where contaminated gas watching devices were manufactured.
Assen Jordanoff: Assen Jordanoff, an inventor and aviator. He was famous for establishing aeronautical engineering in Bulgaria and developing aviation in America. For his efforts in the aviation department like airmail, pilot, air taxis pilot, flying instructor, and stunt pilot, he was honored with legendary status.
Marc Jorgenson: Jorgenson, is a well-known electronics inventor, musician, writer, and multi-media artist who received award. Also, he is a recording engineer founded in Columbia, Vancouver, and Canada. Besides, he founded MIDI City Studios in 1988, where many music artists won awards for recording their musical talents. And he was widely famous for founding work replacing harmony records over the first internet in 1983.
Anatol Josepho: Josepho was the inventor of the first mechanical photo booth. And its name was “Photomaton”.
Marjorie Joyner: Joyner was the first lady entrepreneur who invented a permanent hair-wave device. She was not only an entrepreneur but also a hair care educator, activist, and businesswoman. Besides, she worked as head of the Chicago Defender Charity and raised funds for a lot of many schools.
Whitcomb L. Judson: Judson was an American inventor and mechanical engineer. He invented ‘Zipper’ and received over 30 patents and most of them were on pneumatic street railway innovations. Later he started the Judson Pneumatic Street Railway.
Percy Lavon Julian: He was a research chemist from America and became popular for working as a pioneer in developing the synthesis of medicinal drugs from plants chemically. Physostigmine, the first natural product synthesized from plants by Julian and worked as a pioneer for many of the human hormones such as testosterone and progesterone. Also, his efforts in creating several steroids laid the foundation to steroid drug industry production. And he received a doctorate for his efforts and talent in chemistry.
List of instruments
Joint Clips: Joint clip is a highly resistant piece of equipment for chemical reactions! Hence, it is useful for separating joints that happen during a chemical reaction. The material of these joint clips varies because it shows different properties and reactions in different environments and temperatures. For examples Plastic Joint Clips, PTFE joint clips, Stainless Steel joint clips, etc.
Jolt Sensor: It is a medical device helpful in analyzing head injuries that happen very badly. These devices are most useful for athletes as they are at high risk to experience head injuries. Well, these devices work along with some electronic devices such as mobile phones (smart) and laptops. In order to read the data going on in the victim’s head through these sensors. In this way, this device is helpful in evaluating the condition of injuries in the head.
List of Science Experiments
Jelly Bean Science Experiment: This wonderful experiment comes with a bag full of fun and entertainment while learning a lot of science things. It is perfect for preschoolers, kindergarten, and elementary children to test their senses. Also, they even explore simple science concepts like dissolving, color mix-up, and Surface tension.
Do you want to try this classic activity with your children? Then click on Jelly Bean Science Experiment
Jumping Beans Activity: A magical science experiment for children because the science involved in it really does magic to make cooked beans dance. Also, it asks for very simple supplies from your kitchen. So, children feel excited and interested to set up the activity table for their get-to-gather parties, and other friendly events.
Are you also interested in learning that magical science trick? If so, browse the title here: Jumping Beans Science Activity
Sensory Play with Jellies: Are you in search of such activities that are perfect for introducing the concept of different states of matter to your young children? If so, here is the classic science activity that demonstrates the science behind different states of matter. Besides, this experiment not reveals science but also works as a sensory play, which children can taste!!
Click here if you also want to give it a try with your children to learn about states of matter: Sensory Play with Jellies
Jelly Fish Lights Craft Activity: Ocean creatures are not easy to find in museums in order to witness their lives. So, why don’t we make some crafts using simple stationery supplies to show children some ocean creatures? Creating crafts helps children in developing their STEM skills in a fun and meaningful way. Besides, there is also some science involved to turn craft activities into a science classroom lesson.
Create your own Jelly Fish Lights: Check here for directions.
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