Science around is awesome and fascinating!! There is no world and life without science! Science is not just the information you find in your science textbooks and classes but it is more than what you think and learn till date. Today, we are going to earn some science knowledge and learn a few scientific things, inventions, materials, etc. that starts with letter ‘Q’.
Science Words That Starts With ‘Q’
A glossary of scientific Terms and Definitions that are starting with letter ‘Q’ in the field of physics and chemistry…
1. Quantum Mechanics: Quantum Mechanics is a fundamental theory or a branch of mechanics in physics that describes the physical properties and principles of nature at small scales, of the order of subatomic particles and atoms. It also deals with the motion and interaction of subatomic particles with mathematical description and incorporates the basic science concepts of quantization of energy, the uncertainty principle, wave–particle duality, and the correspondence principle. In other words, quantum mechanics is a branch of physics and with the body of scientific laws that explains the wacky behaviour of electrons, photons, and other particles that are relating to the very small.
2. Quinones: An enzymatic cofactor and is an excellent electron carrier that plays an important role in respiration and photosynthesis. Since Quinone’s are excellent electron transport carriers, they play an important role in electron transport chain in mitochondria and chloroplast membranes. They represent a class of molecules, as vitamins to prevent and treat a wide variety of illnesses such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Quinones are basically represents a class of natural and synthetic compounds that have several beneficial effects and since they are prolific redox cyclers, they are largely used for the identification, detection, analysis, etc.
Overview and implications in analytical detection of Quinone’s: Check out Quinones Overview
3. Quantum Numbers: A set of four numbers that are used commonly in chemistry and physics to describe the position of an electron within an atom are defined as quantum numbers. These include: n, the principal quantum number; l, the angular or azimuthal quantum number; m, the magnetic quantum number; and s, the electron spin quantum number. The quantum number occurs in theoretical expression of an atom, sub-atomic particle, or a molecule and can only have certain integral or half-integral values. An electron in an atom or ion has four quantum numbers to describe its state and yield solutions to the Schrödinger wave equation for the hydrogen atom.
Check out Brief Explanation on Quantum Numbers
4. Quark: Quark is a tiny elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter which makes up neutrons and protons. Up, down, strange, charm, top and bottom are six types of quarks. Quarks are far smaller and operate at much higher energy levels than the protons and neutrons in which they are found.
5. Qualitative Research: Qualitative research is a study of non-numerical data such as text, video, audio, etc. involves collecting data and analysing data in order to understand experiences, opinions, and concepts. In simple words, Qualitative research is defined as a market research method (the method which not only focusses on ‘what’ people think but also ‘why’ they think so) that focuses on collecting data through conversational and open-ended communication. Here is the complete description on qualitative research to understand better: Click on Qualitative Research: Definition, Types, Methods and Examples
6. Quantitative Research: Quantitative research is the process of collecting, analysing, and systematic empirical investigation of numerical data using mathematical, statistical, and computational techniques. It is used to test causal relationships, find patterns and averages, make predictions, and generalize results to wider populations. The four important types of Quantitative research include: Descriptive, Correlational, Causal-Comparative/Quasi-Experimental, and Experimental Research. These methods are used to establish cause- effect relationships among the variables.
Find more useful and detailed information about quantitative research here: What is Quantitative Research?
7. Quantum Theory: Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the behaviour and nature of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. The nature and behaviour of matter and energy at that level is sometimes referred to as quantum physics and quantum mechanics. The two founding fathers of Quantum Theory are Niels Bohr and Max Planck, each received a Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on quanta. Einstein is considered the third founder of Quantum Theory because he described light as quanta in his theory of the Photoelectric Effect, for which he won the 1921 Nobel Prize.
8. Quartz: Quartz is a hard and crystallised chemical compound composed of one part of silicon and two parts of oxygen. It is chemically written and called as silicon dioxide (SiO2). It is the most abundantly found mineral compound on Earth’s surface with unique properties making it one of the most useful natural substance.
Want to know more about quartz? Click on Overview of Quinone
9. Quantum: In Physics, quantum is the required or allowed amount of any physical property involved in an interaction while dealing with atomic and subatomic systems. Also, quantum is a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents.
10. Quarantine: Quarantine is a public health practice used to protect public from contagious diseases by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease. Quarantine is a strict restriction on movement of people or animals which is intended to stop the spread of contagious or infectious diseases. A recent example: Quarantines are placed on the movement of public during this corona virus epidemic in an effort to curtail the spread of the virus, which has further economic consequences.
11. Quinoline: Quinoline is a heterocyclic aromatic (gives pungent smell) organic compound or nitrogenous base with the chemical formula C9H7N. It is also characterised as a colorless hygroscopic liquid that gives strong odor. Quinoline is primarily used in manufacture of nicotinic acid, which is the key compound to prevent pellagra in humans. C9H7N is usually synthesised by distillation of coal tar or by synthesis from aniline that is the parent compound of many alkaloids, drugs, and dyes. Quinolone is mainly found in alcoholic beverages and is found in plants in the form of alkaloid and even in black tea, cocoa, and scotch whiskey.
Find more and more information about quinolone by clicking on Quinoline Overview
12. Quenching: Quenching is the process of metal heat treatment used to cool a heated steel or metal work piece from the austenite temperature region to obtain certain material properties. Quenching involves the rapid cooling of a metal in water, air or oil to adjust the certain mechanical properties of its original state. In materials science, quenching, a type of heat treating primarily used to prevent undesired low-temperature processes, such as phase transformations, from occurring. For Example: Low crystallinity and thereby higher toughness.
13. Quinology: The study of cultivation of cinchona and its alkaloids that are used in preparing medicine as quinine and the science dealing with chemistry, medicinal use, and cultivation of cinchonas is known as quinology.
14. Quinologist: The person who studies quinology is called as quinologist. Or An expert who studies the production, properties, and medicinal uses of quinine compound is known as Quinologist.
15. Quinine: Malaria is the common disease all over the world! Quinine is the chemical compound used in drugs or medicines that are used to treat malaria widely all over the world. This medicinal use of quinine is used alone or with other medication to treat malaria caused by mosquito bites. Quinine will not treat severe forms of malaria, and it should not be taken to prevent malaria. Apart from its role as anti-malarial drug, quinine is used also as muscle relaxant and non-narcotic analgesic. In chemistry, quinine is represented as an extremely basic cinchona alkaloid and a naturally occurring chemical compound. The chemical composition of quinine is C20H24N2O2.
16. Queer Theory: Queer theory is the study of issues on gender inequality, sexuality, and subjectivity that came out of concepts gay and lesbian scholarship in such fields as politics, literary criticism, sociology, and history. Queer theory offers a significant avenue through which to deconstruct and then reconstruct established IR concepts and theories.
17. Quick Lime: Quick lime (the other names are un-slaked lime or quick lime) is scientifically known as calcium oxide, formed by burning calcium carbonate (lime stone). The great property of quick lime is it reacts with water to generate a good amount of heat. By adding water, calcium oxide is transformed into calcium hydroxide (also called lime hydrate, hydrated lime or slaked lime). The important uses of quick lime include production of paper, steel, pulp, treatment of fuel gases and water and also used in mining industry.
18. Quicksilver: Quicksilver is an alchemical name and common name for the element mercury. The other names for quicksilver include: mercury and hydrargyrum
19. Quaternary Amines: Quaternary Amines are nothing but Quaternary ammonium salts or quaternary ammonium compounds and are the salts of quaternary ammonium cations. Quaternary amines are often denoted by the shorthand notation 4° amine. These quaternary ammonium salts are used in our daily usage household items like disinfectents, fabric softeners, surfactants, and as antistatic agents (e.g. in shampoos). Quaternary amines are very much effective as antimicrobial agents against bacteria, Acinetobacter baumannii. Get the information on how it works: Quaternary Amines as Antimicrobial agents
20. Quantum Physics: Quantum physics is the study of energy and matter at its most fundamental level.Put simply, it’s the physics that explains how everything works: the best description we have of the nature of the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they interact. Quantum physics underlies how atoms work, and so why chemistry and biology work as they do.
21. Quanta: Quanta is a central tenet of quantum physics using which energy comes in indivisible packets. Quanta behaves very in a different way to macroscopic matter. For ex: Particles can behave like waves, and waves behave as though they are particles.
22. Quantum electrodynamics: Quantum electrodynamics is commonly denoted as QED. It is a quantum field theory of the electromagnetic force in simple words! Taking the example of the force between two electrons, the classical theory of electromagnetism would describe it as arising from the electric field produced by each electron at the position of the other. In particle physics, quantum electrodynamics is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, it describes how light and matter interact and is the first theory where full agreement between quantum mechanics and special relativity is achieved.
List of Inventors
23. Calvin Quate: Calvin Quate was the one among the atomic force microscope inventors. He was born on December 7 1923 and died on July 6 2019. His full name was Calvin Forrest Quate and was a professor emeritus of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. He earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Utah College of Engineering in 1944, and his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1950. Quate was a member of the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering. He was bestowed the 1980 IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award and the IEEE Medal of Honor in 1988 for “the invention and development of the scanning acoustic microscope.”
21. Adolphe Quetelet: Adolphe Quetelet in full name known as Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet. His name is sometimes spelled with an accent as Quételet. He was born on February 22, 1796, Ghent, Belgium and died on February 17, 1874, Brussels. By profession he was a great Belgian mathematician, statistician, astronomer, and sociologist. He was well-known for his efforts in application of statistics and probability theory to social phenomena. Also, he was the founder and director of the Brussels Observatory and was influential in introducing statistical methods to the social sciences. He also founded the science of anthropometry and developed the body mass index (BMI) scale, originally called the Quetelet Index. Quetelet received a doctorate in mathematics in 1819 from the University of Ghent and became a member of the Royal Academy in 1820.
Laboratory Equipment that starts with letter ‘Q’
25. Quantitative PCR instrument
A quantitative PCR instrument is a machine that detects and amplifies DNA by combining the functions of a fluorimeter and thermal cycler, enabling the process of quantitative PCR. Also, Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is used to detect, characterize and quantify nucleic acids for numerous applications. The first quantitative PCR machine was invented in 1993 and later two more models for commercial purpose had been introduced in 1996. Amazingly by 2009, more eighteen different models of quantitative PCR machines were introduced in to the market by seven different manufacturers. The principle performance dimensions of quantitative PCR machines or instruments include fluorimetry, thermal control, and sample throughput.
26. Qubit fluorometer: The Qubit fluorometer is an amazing analytical instrument for performing DNA, RNA, and protein quantification with an intuitive user interface and a small benchtop footprint. With high specificity for RNA, high sensitivity for DNA, and a broad range of available assays, the Invitrogen Qubit Fluorometer is the instrument of choice when accuracy matters most. Basically, the instrument works with Invitrogen Qubit assay kits to enable accuracy and greater sensitivity than UV absorbance measurements. In addition, Qubit fluorometer is ideal for applications such as sequencing, cloning, qPCR, transfection, and protein assays. This lab instrument is developed and distributed by Invitrogen (now part of Thermo Fisher).
Historical Scientific Instruments
27. Quadrant: A quadrant is a nautical instrument that is used to measure the angles up to 90°. The quadrant is the ancestor or the earlier version of the more contemporary sextant, which is still used today by some nautical navigators. It was simply a device for measuring the angular height of a star or the sun. For the deck hands and sailors, it was first used to measure the height of the pole of the star, The Polaris. Astrologers would use the quadrant to help determine an eclipse of the sun or to forecast someone’s fate with help from the stars. There are various versions to this amazing historical and scientific instrument that could be used to determine and calculate various readings including latitude, longitude, and time of day. The original version was proposed by Ptolemy and later on several different variations of the instrument were later produced by medieval Muslim astronomers.
Science Experiments that starts with letter Q
28. Quick Sand Science Experiment: Quick sand has a unique and magical texture that makes people and animals get trapped in the substance easily and it is very tricky to escape from the trap of quick sand. Would like to know what is that magical property of quick sand? All you need to do is just click on Quick Sand Science Experiment, through which your kids will learn about the unique liquid and solid properties of quicksand in a safe and hands-on way.
29. Easy Quicksand Density Experiments
Engage your kids in exploring some simple concepts like density through some simple science activities. One such most popular science experiment that teaches kids about the basic principles of density science concept while offering a great visual demonstration is Easy Quicksand Density Experiment. Do you think you are in need of a lot of supplies and other materials? Absolutely not. It just requires 2-3 supplies and finishes in no time.
Get more information and instructions about this experiment in detail here: Easy Quicksand Density Experiments
Here is the source to find more science experiments on quicksand: Easy Quick Sand Science Experiments
Scientific Methods that starts with Q
30. Q-Methodology: Q-Methodology is also known as Q-sort, a research method commonly used in social sciences and psychology to study people’s subjectivity. In simple words, it is a systematic study of participant’s viewpoints. Q-Methodology generally uses quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the particular person’s viewpoints who are directly involved in particular topic. Q-methodology is different from other scientific researches and surveys in three ways such as data collection, Analysis and P Set Size and Selection.
Find more details on this scientific method of studying subjectivity: Click on Q-Methodology
Words that starts with Q in the field of Astronomy
31. Quarter Moon: Each night, the crescent shaped moon grows fatter!! When the half of the moon’s disc is illuminated by the sun light whereas the other half shielded in darkness. At this stage, the moon is called quarter moon. Since the illuminated face of the moon is facing towards the Sun, the astronomers observe that the Moon and the Sun are separated by 90-degrees from our perspective here on Earth. Anyone can observe the first quarter moon, when the Moon is halfway between a new moon and full moon.
Do you want to know all phases of the moon? Click on Phases of the Moon
32. Quasar: Quasar, a massive and an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus or extremely remote celestial object, releasing exceptionally large amounts of energy, and typically having a star like image in a telescope. It has been suggested that quasars contain massive black holes and may represent a stage in the evolution of some galaxies. A Quasar also known as a quasi-stellar object abbreviated QSO. In simple words, Quasars are distant objects powered by black holes a billion times as massive as our sun. These powerful dynamos have fascinated astronomers since their discovery half a century ago.
Scientists in Astronomy Field
33. Ali Qushji: Ali al-Qushji was a mathematician, philosopher-theologian, astronomer, and linguist who made innovative studies in both theoretical and observational astronomy within fifteenth-century Islamic and Ottoman astronomy. He contributed his efforts to the ground work of Ulugh Beg’s Zij at the Samarqand Observatory, contended on the possibility of the Earth’s motion, and asserted the need for the purification of all the scientific disciplines from the principles of Aristotelian physics and metaphysics. In addition, his most important nine works on astronomy include seven in Arabic and two in Persian. Some of them are original contributions while others are pedagogical. Learn more about Ali al-Qushji in detail here: Ali al-Qushji
34. M. Shahid Qureshi: M. Shahid Qureshi is also well-known by the names, Shahid Qureshi, styled as M. Shahid Qureshi is a popular mathematician, astronomer, and an astrophysicist from Pakistan. Also, he is an academic and eminent educationalist who has published articles in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics. He is the retired professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Karachi University and Institute of Space and Planetary Astrophysics (ISPA), and former director of ISPA, the country’s prominent institution in the field of planetary astrophysics and planetary astronomy. He also the founding director of the Department of Mathematics at Institute of Business Administration, Karachi.
35. Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi: Qutb al-Din al-Shiraziis a famous Persian astronomer, mathematician, and physician who devised a geometrical model for planetary longitudes that involved a minimum of rotating vectors. Al-Shirazi wrote on several subjects such as geometry, philosophy, medicine, theology, and optics. Some scholars credit him with providing the first correct qualitative explanation of the rainbow, though others attribute this to his pupil, al-Farisi. Qutb al-Dīn Shirazi, a great physician in the medieval period of the Iranian Islamic age, is also called Allāma (polymath) for his extraordinary expertise in almost all fields of contemporary sciences.
36. Thābit ibn Qurra: Thābit ibn Qurrah, in full known as Al-Ṣābi’ Thābit ibn Qurrah al-Ḥarrānī. He was born on c. 836, Syria and died 901, Baghdad, Iraq. By profession, he is an Arab mathematician, physician, astronomer, and philosopher, a representative of the flourishing Arab-Islamic culture of the 9th century. He prepared a few synopses of the works of the Hippocrates and physicians Galen of Pergamum as well as the philosophy of Aristotle. He soon wrote original works on magic squares, geometry, statics, and the theory of numbers, astronomy, music, philosophy, and medicine.
37. Qingde Wang: Qingde Wang in full,Qingde “Daniel” Wang, a famous and talented professor of astronomy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His most popular research works include the hot interstellar medium and intergalactic medium. He received his Ph.D. at Columbia University in 1990. He also has received many prestigious honors which include: Lindheimer Fellowship in 1994, Robert J. Trumpler Award for outstanding Ph.D. thesis in 1992, Hubble Postdoctoral Fellowship 1990-1993, and Nanjing University New Star Award in 1985.
General Terms in Science
38. Questions: You might be wondering listening about the word ‘Question’ as a science term!! Science begins with questioning by asking questions and then finding appropriate answers using scientific methods. Encouraging students from their young age towards questioning skills help them to develop true spirit in our educational system. Also, the art of questioning constitutes an important skill to foster for practicing scientists. So, questioning is an integral part of learning process as they are a potential resource for both teaching and learning science.
39. Quantity: In science, quantity is a property that is measured in terms of mass, time, length, volume, and pressure. Chemists measure various quantities. A standard quantity against which a quantity is measured [e.g. gram, metre, second, litre, pascal; which are units of the above quantities]. Many quantities are defined in terms of other quantities. Quantities can be compared in terms of “more”, “less”, or “equal”, or by assigning a numerical value in terms of a unit of measurement.
40. Quantify: Quantifyis used to determine or express the quantity of something or some variables generally used in science laboratories and research centres. Without quantifying the variables, the scientists cannot confirm the appropriate end results of their research.
41. Quality Control: Quality control can mean the difference between good science and bad science. Put simply, it is any process that aims to monitor and maintain laboratory standards. Quality control is also known as quality management or quality assurance. The important procedures of quality control includes: reducing, detecting, and correcting any problems within a lab. Quality control can also help to make sure that the results of an experiment or method are consistent. The one important form of quality control is Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). The best practice for quality control is a Laboratory Quality Management (LQM) program.
Find more information on Quality Control: Why is quality Control important in research field?
42. Quake: A quake is a natural phenomenon and the tremble result when the surface of a planet, star or moon begins to shake, usually as the consequence of a sudden release of energy transmitted as seismic waves, and potentially with great violence. Ex: Earthquake, Moonquake, Mars quake, Sun quake, Venus quake, Ice quake, Star quake, etc.
43. Quantize: Quantize is a physical science word also used in mathematics to restrict a variable quantity to discrete values rather than to a continuous set of values. It is used in physics as: to transform the description of a physical system from classical to quantum-mechanical, usually resulting in discrete values for observable quantities, as energy or angular momentum.The word quantize is also used to apply in quantum mechanics and quantum theory.
44. Quantum Gravity: Quantum Gravity is a field of theoretical physics, attempts to explain how gravity works on the universe’s smallest particles. It incorporates both the fundamental and important principles of general relativity and quantum theory. Any theory that describes gravity in the regimes where quantum effects cannot be disregarded is referred as Quantum Gravity.
What is science?
Science is the study of nature and world around us and is an excellent way to gain knowledge about how and why things happen around us, the way they do by using our senses to observe the world and experiments to investigate how it works. In simple words, science consists of observing the world around us by watching, listening, recording, and observing. It is a curiosity in thoughtful action about the natural world and how it behaves.
Science is . . .
- Observing the world
- Watching and listening
- Observing and recording
Generally, we have an idea about a thing that is happening around us and come to a conclusion. We also think that our ideas about the things around us are correct because our thinking seems right and even makes sense. In fact, for a scientist (it could be you) thinking with senses and logic is not enough. A scientist will test the idea (An idea that predicts how the world works is called a hypothesis) in the real world using scientific methods.
Who is a scientist?
A scientist is a person who makes observations, ask questions, records data, analyses the data, and do extensive research work to find appropriate answers for many questions which others may not know about. Simply, we can define a scientists as a person who has mastered or studied the field of science and understands how our world and other things around us work.
Scientists learn about their subject by observing, recording, analysing, describing, and experimenting. A wide variety of subjects and branches are found in the field of science. Some study outer space like astronomy while other sciences study life (biology) or the earth (geology) or even matter and energy (physics).
Much of the science we learned till date was invented and discovered using scientific methods. Scientific method is the method which scientists use and apply on things, materials, etc. to get accurate results from their investigations and experiments. In simple words, scientific method is a series of steps that scientists follow to discover how the world around us works.
An idea or hypothesis explains how something is correctly predicted, proving the facts, or evidence, we call it as a Theory.