Geese are well-known for their V-formation when they fly in the sky, which helps them to save energy and also allows them to fly up to 1,000 kilometers in just a single day! It sounds so amazing! But, why do geese fly in a V-formation?
To find the answer of this life-skill of Geese, we must watch an episode of World By Charlie on his channel, narrated by a curious YouTuber Charlie Engelman, who created some origami geese to describe how the vortices of wind behind their wings shape their signature V-form during their flights.
Moreover, Charlie also expresses how geese decide who will be at the front of the V-form, and shares his knowledge about the migrating journey of Geese…
Watch it; Why Do Geese Fly In A V-Formation?
Know About Geese
The goose is the common name of various birds with webbed legs, long, curved neck, strong orange or yellow beak, white plumage.
Geese is actually the term for a large number of birds that belong to the Anatidae (birds of wetlands or coastal areas around the world), which constitute the most important family of Anseriformes (an order of birds that comprise about 180 living species in three families), the same as the swans and ducks. These are migratory water birds, with relatively short legs, webbed feet.
Migrating Geese, they fly in flocks with characteristic V-shaped formations; during the moult they lose all the flight feathers. Vigilant, gregarious, they post sentries while grazing; they feed mainly on vegetables.
How Does Geese V-formation Work?
Geese fly in V-formation, as their wings flap, and the air produces a movement, which helps the goose behind. By flying like this, geese increase their flight strength compared to a goose that goes alone. Although, this formation also allows for a flight range greater than at least 71%.
Whenever a goose comes out of formation, it feels the resistance of the air and realizes the difficulty in doing it alone, then quickly it returns to the formation to take advantage of the companion in front.
When the leader of the V-form gets tired, it passes behind, and another goose replaces its place immediately.
Moreover, the geese that go behind croak to support those who go forward to maintain speed.
And when a goose gets sick or falls injured by a shot, two more geese come out from the formation and follow it to help and protect.
Why Do Geese Migrate?
Birds like Geese migrate with the changing weather and seasons; they migrate to find a milder climate with better food supplies or a safe place to breed.
How Do Geese Know, Where And When To Migrate?
There are different signals such as a change in weather, length of days or food source availability can signal geese that it’s time to move ahead.
As for how they know which direction to go, even scientists aren’t sure. Many think that animals and birds know where to migrate by birth. Scientists say they learn this “genetically” from their parents. In other words, it is also called instinct.
How Do Migrating Animals Find Their Way?
Birds and Animals do not have Internet, GPS or maps to find their destination just like us, yet each year they manage to orient themselves across thousands of miles of land and ocean.
Moreover, different creatures have adapted different ways of navigation on our planet.
Some use the sun and stars to find out the correct direction. While most migrating birds use wind patterns or landmarks such as mountain ranges, rivers and lakes, etc.
Still, there are some, which may use the special senses that allow them to use the Earth’s magnetic field to figure out which direction to go ahead. It’s so fascinating what they can do!
Interesting Facts
- Geese are highly social animals. If they are raised around other animals or birds, they usually get along well with them too.
- Geese are herbivores: mostly they eat seeds, grass, nuts, plants and berries.
- They are the largest water birds, together with swans. They spend most of their time ashore.
- Geese mourn when they lose their mate or their eggs.
- Geese are very loyal: they mate for life with a partner and guard their mates and young.
- They also have strong feelings of affection for the other members of their group.
- Before turkeys spread to Britain in the late 19th century, geese were the traditional Christmas staple, especially among the poor.
- The life expectancy of a goose is around 25 years.
What Insights Do We Learn From The Geese?
It is important to observe, study and know nature, but even more important is to enter into a deep connection and empathy with it, that leads us to love nature’s each creation. Though, it is our natural bio-energy (a sense of association with all living beings) that is active within us.
In a similar manner, the Geese fly unitedly in a format that teaches us to develop our inner qualities and philosophy towards our journey called life. If we unite and stay together with those who move in the same direction as us, just like Geese, our effort will be less, and it will be easier and more pleasant to reach the goals.
People get the best results if they support themselves in hard times, if they respect each other at all times, sharing problems and the most difficult jobs. Thus, If we learn the true value of bonding, if we are aware of the feeling of sharing and caring, life will be simpler and more beautiful.
So let’s see together today what we can learn from wild geese!
Thank you and much love❤️
Why Do Geese Fly In A V-Formation?
Geese and V-formation Wikipedia