This is not going to be a general About Us page where you read about how interested my kids were in science and how I wanted to teach science to them (though it is partly true).
We are not going to just start doing science projects and taking photos to bring up the site. This site is going to be a harnessed resource for STEM.
Currently we are planning our big ideas and how we can be unique. Each blog post that we do should be useful, meaningful, easily doable at home and should throw a clear scientific concept in a way that it can be easily understood by kids.
We are also opening our own YouTube channel that captures our experiments live so that you know we are not faking it with pictures.
So Welcome to the whole new world of GoScienceGirls! Let’s have fun and learn science!
About Us
We are four of us in our family. Angela (pen name) has wide experience in building websites professionally. For this website, she is going to be the heart and soul of ideas and management. She is a lovable mother of two beautiful angels. She takes great care of her daughters and family. She hope to fill this site with her personal experiences of doing wide variety of science experiments with her kids.
About the elder one – Pritika. 7 year old, movie buff and inherently kind and soft spoken. She has bright and adaptive mind that captures logical explanations very quickly. She is capable of taking pressure and delivering thoughts in clear and concise manner. We expect her to do great things in future.
The younger one – Tisha 5 years old, the naughty one. She loves driving the parents crazy. Hyperactive and jumps around the house every minute. It is highly difficult to get her in a confined space. She is super crazy to try out all the things in the world. Her curiosity sometimes gets her into trouble. Nevertheless, we look forward to seeing her solving big problems of the world with her crazy little ideas.
Also, Mr. BNM is the brain behind the website. Seasoned product manager in a day job and a digital marketer by passion. He has wide arena of interests when it comes to building websites. He takes huge interest in teaching kids with his limited time. He is passionate about technology and how it can transform lives. He wants at-least one of his daughter to learn advanced computing and AI to solve world’s biggest problems.
Why Go Science GIRLS?
Though I didn’t make this choice, the question was pondering – Why Not?
Just by browsing on the topic, I learned from an article that only 24% of girls prefer science to be their best subject and only 25% consider maths to be their stronger area.
So where does the disparity comes from?
A study done in Europe states that one of the main reasons behind this disparity is the environment and the social bias that puts girl child in a stereotype world. This makes them follow certain interests inherited from the society.
In spite of many revolutions across the world I personally feel girl children lack necessary science education in many parts. So we decided to take on the torch and continue the race to bring more meaningful change through GO SCIENCE GIRLS. No offense, please.
We would love to connect with you
Please click on the
contact page and you can reach us in many ways. Even you can comment on this page below and we will reach out to you.
Always remember to tag #gosciencegirls on social media too.
For those organizations who wish to advertise or partner with Go Science Girls .. feel free to contact us.
Finally, I would like to remind you to stay with kids while doing any activities mentioned in this site to avoid any mishaps.
Thanks for reading! We want you to be a part of this initiative.