Are your children having difficulty with their subtraction math?
Do they have trouble differentiating the ones and tens place, or adding the number in the tens place to the number in the ones place?
Check out this list of 60+ subtraction worksheets to help your children master subtraction.
Subtraction Worksheets
Basic Subtraction Worksheet & Video (Level 1)
Here is the best visual demonstration that explains the basic skills of subtraction through interactive examples and activities. Along with this video, students also get practice handouts as an extra resource. This helps them to put their gained knowledge of subtraction to use.
In addition, students also get Answer, Find and Color exercises, which keep them excited and interested in learning.
Worksheets to Practice Basic Subtraction Skills (Level 1)
Check out the two-page subtraction worksheets that cover problems in the traditional way of performing subtraction operations. On the first page, students explore the basic practice exercises, and on the second page, they find Answer, Find, and Color activities.
Basic Subtraction Fact Worksheets (Level 1)
The method of calculating the difference between any two numbers refers to subtraction. The skill-based worksheets provide children a list of basic subtraction facts. These facts help them to perform subtraction operations even with large numbers up to 9. The three different levels of subtraction facts worksheets master students to perform calculations mentally.
Worksheets to Practice Basic Subtraction Skills (Level 2)
The questions in these worksheets cover the subtraction problems that involve the subtraction of single-digit numbers from double-digit numbers. Again students can find three different versions of worksheets, classified based on the level of difficulty.
Worksheets to Relate Subtraction with Addition (Level 1)
Additions and subtractions fall under the basic arithmetic operations category but these two operations work inversely. Here are the two-page worksheets to introduce students to learn the relationship between these two actions.
Worksheets to Relate Subtraction with Addition (Level 2)
Additions mean putting together while subtraction means separating from each other. As the definitions signify, subtractions and additions work oppositely. This means one can undo subtraction operations using addition skills and vice versa. Find the interactive worksheets that relate subtraction to addition skills.
Subtraction Worksheets (Level 1)
To better understand the concept of subtraction, the worksheets introduce activities that teach the skills of two-digit subtractions. In addition, they also explore how to perform larger number subtractions.
Key Concept: No matter number is big, the only thing to focus on is the basic operation method is the same.
Subtraction Worksheets (Level 2)
In this medium level of difficulty worksheets, students learn how to perform subtraction operations using three and four digits.
Student Misinterpretation: Students get confused to line up the digits properly from left to right to perform subtraction. Hence, they get wrong answers as they have poor knowledge of lining up the digits for subtraction.
Subtraction Worksheets (Level 3)
Practice the advanced level of subtraction skills of borrowing numbers. Borrowing numbers means performing carrying subtractions while subtracting large numbers from smaller ones.
Learning Idea: When you had to borrow from zero, just shift to the nest number and borrow one from it.
Art Worksheets on Multiple Digit Subtraction (Level 3)
Explore the basic skills of performing subtractions with borrowing using double-digit and multiple-digit numbers.
Learning Idea: Students have to find the correct answers and represent them in the square boxes using different colors of shading.
Worksheets on Subtraction through Answer, Find, and Color Activity
Here are another set of worksheets that review the advanced level of subtraction skills, making complex subtractions easier. However, students have to differentiate between odd and even numbers using different colors. And the picture offers a lot many questions in different formats to give enough practice of subtractions.
Worksheets to relate Estimation to Subtraction (Level 1)
Estimation is finding the nearest value that is close to the actual answer. These worksheets use prior knowledge of two-digit subtractions and order of operations. This knowledge is useful to relate estimation and subtraction.
Key Concepts: Estimation problems make students mentally understand the problem and tell the closest correct answers.
Practice Handouts to Review Addition and Subtraction Skills
The best handouts for students if they want to put their prior and current knowledge of additions and subtractions in use. Using the same skills, students can help Action Joe to escape in the pattern.
Helpful Idea: Do not forget to recall the previous knowledge of basic addition and subtraction operations.
Worksheets on the Basics through Answer, Find, and Shade
Practice solving problems that review all the four basic operations! These worksheets consist of addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction problems in one diagram. However, students can find a variety of questions on fundamental operations in a single diagram but the solutions are different.
Subtracting with Decimals Worksheets (Answer, Find, and Shade)
To subtract the decimal numbers, one needs to practice lining up decimal points in a column and start subtraction from right to left. Get a good practice of lining up decimals to perform the correct method of subtraction while using decimal numbers.
Worksheets to Practice Addition and Subtraction with Decimals
These worksheets come with basic practice questions and Answer, Find and Shade exercises, which help to boost fundamental math operation skills.
Helpful Tip: Students can explore a short video demonstration in addition to these practice handouts. This video acts as an extra resource to explore more about the facts of addition and subtractions when performing with decimal numbers.
Subtracting Integers (Answer, Find, and Shade)
Subtracting integers is a bit tricky! However, make it easy for your students by introducing our interactive worksheets on subtracting integers. These worksheets teach the strategies to convert the sign of the subtracting number to its opposite sign. Different level worksheets consist of different types of questions but the method of finding answers is different.
Basic Subtraction Book – Level 1
This is a basic subtraction book for early learners. It starts with using lines to help better
understand subtraction and then shows the relationship between subtraction and addition. The book includes subtracting multiple numbers, subtracting larger numbers, and borrowing.
Subtraction Book Level 2
This is a subtraction book for students who already know how to subtract. It starts
with subtracting two digits, covers multiple digit subtraction and borrowing, and finishes with subtracting three numbers.