When you become a teacher, then you keep learning throughout your life. Yes, you heard me right. A teacher not just teaches but learns constantly. I am sure every teacher feels glad about learning as part of their journey. To teach, you must learn and only then you can get along with kids and parents of every generation. Yes, kids and parents have a generation gap themselves and a teacher who always does the job of bridging this gap.
Well! Let me come to the point now. You got it right and I am going to provide you with free templates related to teachers. All the teachers who read this post have a double bonanza. I usually offer this as I provide details along with the free templates. Every one of you can gain some idea about why this template, how to use and what to write in the templates. Teachers can copy too! At times you need to steal some ideas and impress kids and parents.
That’s exactly why you came here. We will offer you with free “meet the teacher templates” sample letters and great ideas too. Get inspired with the ideas we suggested here and make a great meet the teacher letter to win the teacher of the year award 2020.
Jokes apart, we shall now move into the actual topic.
What is it
Ok, for those who know already please proceed further and others just read this to understand about a meet the teacher template. When you first time meet the kids or the parents, then you need to give them an introduction about yourself, your passion for teaching, and how will you do justice to kids in their education.
Why should you do this? Parents handover their kids to teachers as they treat you as the second parent. Therefore, every parent must gain confidence in a teacher. This first impression makes you the best. You need to take an extra step to get emotionally connected with the kids and parents. Even for kids, you become a second mom as they spend more time with you in school. So get connected with them too.
Meet the teacher letter plays the exact role of allowing you to explain yourself to the newcomers. You may talk to them when you meet them in person, but before that this written letter will talk for you.
A gate pass indeed!
Why use a meet the teacher template
- Impress the students and parents using a meet the teacher template as we have collected different formats which you can use for different occasion.
- Provide a professional touch to the parents and make them feel glad about their decision.
- Save your time in preparing a template and fill in details in this readymade template without compromising the uniqueness.
- Connect with parents using these templates and make them feel happy even before meeting you.
- Spend quality time in filling your details rather than wasting time in designing as we have done it for you already with utmost care.
Where can you use these templates?
- Use these templates when you want to meet parents for a discussion about the kids.
- Make use when you first introduce yourself to the kids.
- Whenever you meet with parents use different templates to express your thoughts better. Have a column for parents to fill their feedback as well.
- Send them emails periodically to update about their wards.
- Use them when you want to discuss any issues about kids to parents. Elaborate the details in the letter to give parents a heads-up about the meeting.
How does meet the teacher editable template PDF look like
Now, let us explain how this template looks like. You can download word documents and editable PDF templates. PDF templates add more professional touch when compared to the word document. No worries, as editing PDF these days have become simpler than editing a word document.
The PDF template will look like an invitation, colorfully designed and providing space to fill as many details possible. So you can imagine that a PDF meet the teacher template becomes your invite for calling parents for a meeting to meet with you. At the same time, it will have different sections to let you introduce yourself, and much more. W
What components you must add to meet the teacher blank template and make it look unique
We shall now analyze the components that will make your meet the teacher letter look great. We call it a blank template because this will contain all the elements as mentioned below. However, we leave it to you to fill the details. But, read this section to understand rightly about what you can fill in those sections.
• Title – Meet the teacher – Here you can write meet with your name. Additionally, provide the reason for the meeting. “Meeting with Clara – First Day to Grade 1.” Simply write as meet the teacher and leave it. The choice we let you decide on it.
• Date and Venue – Under this section mention the date when you will meet with the parents or the students. The timing and venue details. In the coming sections, I will provide a sample from where you can get precise details about this section.
• Introduction – Write about yourself that includes your name, education, experience. Let this section contain more standard details apart from the specific like name etc. Mention your achievements as a teacher. Provide some samples about how you manage kids etc. this will instill confidence in the parents.
• Purpose of the meeting – Soon after you brief about you, make a point to quickly let know the agenda of the meeting. The first day to school, the first day to class, parents meeting to discuss their ward, and many more. Tell the reason briefly about why the meeting? Give a few details about the student in particular if you have called parents for specific meeting if any.
• Hobbies, favorites – You may wonder how mentioning your hobbies will help in a meet the teacher’s letter. But, this will give a detailed idea about the teacher to the parents and students. You can connect easily with them by mentioning your hobbies and favorites.
• Teaching Methodology – Brief about what strategy you use for teaching. How does that benefit kids of that particular generation? How do you plan for educating students on a particular curriculum etc? This section does explain your experience and successes. This will lure parents to meet you for the well being of their kids.
• Support expected – Then directly let know parents about your expectations from them. Even to students, you can let this know. Like what do you expect from them to make your plan work productively? Do parents need to help kids at home, do kids need to know how to use computers, etc? I am just giving you an example and based on your need list down the expectations. Keep it short and don’t make it look burdening.
• Feedback – Provide room for parents to fill their thoughts. They can either do it before or after the meeting. You can discuss and ask them to fill it. However, the existence of this section depends on the purpose of the meeting. If you meet kids for first-day class, this section might prove irrelevant. In the event of meeting parents, then this might help.
• Signature and contact details – Your name, email id, contact number and signature
Meet the teacher template ideas
This one I will categorize based on the following criteria and give you an idea about which one you can use at what occasion.
- Meeting with kids of primary grade
When you first meet kids of Kindergarten, 1st grade or up to 5th grade you can design templates with posters and make it more colorful. Kids of that age will enjoy pictures than wordings. They can also quickly interpret images of fruits, animals, flowers, etc. For example, you can include pictures of your favorite food and so on. On the whole, limit your writing and play around with photos to add a colorful start in kids’ school life.
- Meeting with students in middle school – Meet the student teacher template
However, for a middle school child meet with a teacher template you can use simple English and connect with them better. You can say that you love puzzles and give some questions so that they brainstorm to find answers. This way they will feel a little relaxed to meet with the teacher and at this age, they seem to have several perplexing thoughts about life.
- Meeting with parents
This one you must keep it professional and follow steps given in the blank template making section and provide all necessary details. Give a detailed write up about you, your family, your hobby, passion. Make it more explanatory to let the parents gather confidence in you to handover their kid’s future to you.
- Meeting with students and parents in high school
High school students need more support than anyone else. These students will have to study hard to choose the right career path. They need emotional support as well. Thus make these templates with more psychological points. Mention how you have handled students in the past, provide suggestions to cope up with such students at home. Apart from the usual details, here you need to include details that will act as a breather to parents bringing up tough kids.
Meet the teacher letter template free
Ok, in this section I would like to pen down a few sample letters for you. Feel free to copy them and make your teacher letter sensible. Let me give example under three headings namely, meet the teacher letter for parents, meet the teacher letter on the first day to high school, and meet the teacher letter for meeting with a parent and student together to handle a situation.
Note: I will not mention the usual stuff like name, personal details, and hobby, etc. You can fill them in the respective space given in the template with your details. My samples will contain the write-up part that you need to give importance while inviting a parent or a student for a meeting.
1st Sample – Meet the teacher letter – parents meeting one to one
Dear Ms.Jenny,
I am glad to invite you for a personal meeting with me to discuss admission to preschool for your kid. I am having 15 years of experience in handling preschool kids and have moved seeing two-generation kids. I am an easy-going person as well as know how to deal with little lads. I am passionate about bringing up kids right from the age of 5. This age kid will have a sharp grasping skill and hence tuning their brain requires real smartness. I have trained more than 5000 kids and proud to see them doing great even in their high school education.
Looking forward to meeting you with your kid on the coming Monday for a discussion to provide admission for your kid in my school. Keep it casual and let us meet to understand better to shape your kid for a bright future.
2nd Sample – Meet the student teacher template high school
Dear Students
Welcome to your first day class in high school. I am sure you have mixed emotions of excitement and anxiety about high school education. Stay assured that we can travel together and make a great future. I will walk you through all the experiences required to learn and grow as an adult. I have helped 7 batches walking out with flying colors till now. I am learning new things every day and can share my experience with you.
I would like to meet you all in person on the first day of school to know your strengths and aspirations. Come with an open mind to explore the world through education.
3rd Sample – Meet with parent and students to discuss an issue
Dear Sam,
I would like to meet with you along with your ward to discuss his non-performance in the examination. In the last two tests, he has not performed well. However, do not worry as this meeting will only throw light on how both of us together can help him study. With my 10 years of experience in training students of class 10, I am confident in helping you. I require your wholehearted support to monitor your child’s activity at home. His distractions at home cause all dip in his studies I guess. I am initiating this meeting to formulate a strategy and take things forward. Do not disclose this to your child and panic him as I have seen this occurrence very common among teenage children.
Please bring Bean along with you to the meeting to transparently deal with this challenge. Let all three of us take an oath to improve Bean’s education.
Meet the teacher newsletter templates
You send the newsletter to parents as a regular practice to discuss their wards activity in school. You can send this via email or post. Edit and use this template to print and send it to parents. Alternatively, you can edit save as an email.
Follow these steps to edit the newsletter template
- Click and download the template to your PC.
- Open the newsletter template in your PC and you can edit in the following order.
- First change your name, contact details. Find them in the template and each unique template will contain these details differently.
- Then edit your basic details like your family, childhood, education, and experience
- Next look into the hobby, passion or favorites section. Edit them based on your experience. You may leave a few wordings in case you find them good to go with.
- Then save the template to print or email.
- Additionally, you must remember that once you design the newsletter, the agenda alone will change during every letter and the remaining details will remain the same.
- Therefore highlight the agenda and make it more visible to catch the parent’s attention.
Meet the teacher invitation template
When we say an invitation, then you can imagine that it will look like a card. It need not contain more details as a letter but will include only basic details like name, meeting date, meeting purpose, and venue details.
These templates contain many varieties across classes and you can choose them based on the purpose of your meeting with the parents, students or both.
Meet the teacher event
In general, a very informal meeting with the teacher becomes an event in many schools. This meeting will ease both parents and teachers to know each other. Parents will come along with their wards and move around the school to know the amenities offered there. Also, they will get a chance to meet with the teachers to understand better. Both parties talk freely exchanging their past and even sometimes parents and teachers get to know that they shared common schooling. This event provides an opportunity for parents to know about their kid’s teachers better. In some schools, this event follows lunch or dinner.
Add fun but how?
Now, I would like to add some fun to a teacher’s life. Yes, you can make the teacher meeting event fun too.
Do not keep it formal by just meeting and talking to them. Instead, you can arrange for some events to involve parents. Allow them to become students for a day. Make some games and let them participate. Have some activities where parents and children can work together to understand their connectively. This will also help you to assess their engagement with kids. You can observe this before meeting with them and then guide them. Trust me, you add fun to parents but learn serious things from them about them, their kids and their association with kids.
Tips to make the meet the teacher occasion successful
Finally, I would like to give you pointers to host the meet the teacher program successfully. You have got all the templates intact on this site. Also, we shared how to use them and even some inputs about what to write, etc. Now, assume that you have called parents for the meeting with the invitation. Understand your next action to make a strong bond between parents, kids, and yourself.
- Use the free invite template and call parents for a meeting
- Soon after they arrive, give them the meet with the teacher letter and yes you need to personalize letters for each parent. Allow them to read that to get to know you better. Explain the purpose of the meeting. Provide space for their feedback and ask them to write before meeting with you.
- Then you can address the gathering commonly and even arrange for some cultural activities. All these make the parent feel comfortable and purely optional.
- Now, offer some snacks or food before you meet them personally.
- Finally, meet with each parent individually with their kids. All your effort will reap benefits as parents will now have an impression about your school and you.
- Explain to them what you wrote in the invite and ask the views of parents about their kids.
- Make a note of the discussion to check if the kid progress before the next meeting. This will add more value to the meeting and parents will feel glad about handing over their child to the right teacher.