A science activity video about creating the fastest paper airplane straight from John Collins-the paper airplane guy!
Do you know In the USA, more than 2 million passengers board more than 30,000 flights every day? We all use to rejoice whenever we spot a flying kite? Actually, we all secretly desire the same, but does not want to sound foolish! No wonder we try our luck with a paper airplane and feel content when our paper plane manages to cover a few meters of distance. However, here is the fastest paper airplane that can actually cover great lengths!
A little history about paper airplanes
You may have heard about paper dart that kids love to throw at each other in the classroom. You will be surprised to know that the term paper airplane was coined probably only in the 1890s. It was only after the development of new models for fighter jets that the humble paper dart becomes the paper airplane. Soon, the curious human mind started to find means to make the best paper airplane with dollops of creativity. For some, this was all they want to achieve.
What is the world’s best paper airplane?
In 2012, a guy named John Collins created Suzanne -the best paper airplane of the world for which he even found a place in the Guinness Book of World Records! In fact, he spends a substantial number of years in creating flying wonders with paper. It was thrown by an American football player Joe Ayoob, and do you know how much distance it covered? It flew 226 feet and 10 inches!
In this video, have a look at the steps to create the world’s best paper airplane.
Steps to create world record paper airplane
Raw materials
1 A4 sized plain paper
Steps to follow
- Take the paper in landscape orientation. Now, for precise dimension, trim 19 mm from its one side.
- Fold the top-right corner of the paper in the downward direction so that it touched the paper a little above the bottom-left corner. You can use a folding bone to press it on the crease like that is done in the video.
- Now open the folding, and then you will find a diagonal crease in the paper.
- Next, repeat step 2 but now from the top-left corner in the downward direction. Again, you can use a folding bone to perfect that crease.
- Now open the fold, and you will find diagonal creases that would look like an X.
- Now lay the top-right corner of the paper down in a way that it aligns with the diagonal crease that you get after completing step two. Make sure to leave a space of one and a half millimeters or maybe probably two millimeters from the crease.
- Repeat step 6 by taking the top-left corner of the paper. Make sure to make a sharp crease with the help of a folding bone.
- With the left flap still folded down, fold the right flap down on top of it. You can also choose the unfold the left flap and first put the right flap, and then on the top of it can place the left flat as it will make no difference.
- Make a note of the point where the two edges intersect. Now, fold the top of the paper from that point to the downward direction. Press the fold with the folding bone so that the fold remains in its place.
- Fold the top left and right corners down so that they meet in the middle. Now that the center crease of the plane is there, flip the paper.
- Now, fold the bottom edge to align with the top edge and press the whole of the airplane with the folding bone.
- Next, fold one wing down so that it starts about 1/4 of an inch away from the nose of the plane. The diagonal edge lines up with the point of the bottom corner.
- Flip your paper over and repeat the step on the other side to create the other wing. Make sure that the two wings of the airplane are evenly aligned and look like a single piece of paper.
- Finally spread the wings. You can use a clip to hold the folds from the bottom and to see whether it is looking or not like an airplane. Your Suzanne is ready to fly!
Related Science Activity : Air Powered Fast Car
However, you will be surprised to know that Suzanne was not the world’s first 200 feet paper airplane! It was Sorolhach or Flaming Eagle that was designed and thrown by a 15-yar old boy named Stephen Kreiger in 2003. It managed to cover a distance of more than 207 feet! It was this record that was shattered by John Collins in 2012.
This video featuring John Collins, who is providing step-by-step instructions to create Suzanne gives a glimpse of aerodynamics and geometry to kids. By making attempts to create different types of flying objects, kids can also figure out how an airplane fly. Now, this sounds really exciting!
- https://paperairplaneshq.com/paper_airplane_history.html
- https://www.vox.com/2015/4/28/8505377/paper-airplanes-history
- https://www.edexlive.com/people/2020/apr/06/john-collins-the-paper-airplane-guy-tells-us-why-you-should-tune-into-his-online-workshops-soon-11141.html
- https://makercamp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/W5D1.pdf
- https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=20030913&slug=paperplane13e