11 Experiments That Failed Book Review

a go science girls book review of 11 experiments that failed by jenny Offill and Nancy Carpenter

Book Review of 11 Experiments That Failed

Product Reviewed: 11 Experiments That Failed

Author: Jenny Offill & Nancy Carpenter.

Age Range: 4 – 8 years olds.

Star Rating: 4.6 / 5 stars

Our review of 11 Experiments That Failed

An awesome book which is well written with lot of humor and introduces the kids to the scientific way of thinking and performing experiments with the available things in the home with loads of fun.

This is simply an hilarious story book where a little girl tries to do the 11 experiments and each one turns to be funnier than the next. It is really wonderful that the main character is a young, little, curious girl who thinks herself as a scientist, gets dressed up like a scientist with her pink goggles, gloves, lab coat and performs various experiments which fails spectacularly.

She tries to experiment the questions like : Can a kid make it through the winter eating only snow and ketchup? Do dogs like to be covered in glitter? Can a washing machine wash dishes? What makes fungus grow?and so on. And she decide to find out the answer for those by performing scientific experiments. That is, to try eating only ketchup and snow and observe the results. Sprinks glitter on her dog and checks for the results. Trying to put the dishes in washing machine to see what happens. Trying to experiment on how fungus grow with her brother’s shoes. And the most funny part is she documents all the facts from the experiments, though each one of it fails. All of the experiments have a question, a hypothesis, step-by step instructions (like what is needed, what to do) and results (what happened). For Example : “Question:What makes fungus grow? Hypothesis: If left in a closet, food will rot and become a colorful fungus garden.

What You Need:

Brother’s shoes, Bread and cheese, Water.

What to Do:

  1. Place food inside shoes.
  2. Sprinkle with water.
  3. Hide shoes in back of closet.
  4. Return in two weeks.

What Happened:

Experiment is still under way.” (Accompanying drawing shoes a tennis shoe with mushrooms growing out of it.) Looks silly but awesome right? Budding scientists will surely find plenty to laugh aloud in this book, along with new ideas for experiments to perform on their own.

Each experiment is unique and though we could guess on the results we enjoyed reading and  kept on laughing throughout the book. Illustration along with the mix photographs and drawing makes the book more appealing

An awesome “must read” books for the budding scientist and to be read in the classrooms too. Any young scientist will love this book, at the same time if your kid is already inquisitive, curious, insatiable, and you have had enough, then probably you can hide this book as this might create new ideas in them 🙂  (just kidding). This is an hilarious book for the kids ages 4-8!!

My Daughter’s verdict

“It was funny and humorous and I loved the experiments and the pictures in the book. Would like to experiment on something with the things available from the home”, she said. And as a mother I was very happy on hearing her say so.

Where to Buy

The book is available across all online book shops including Amazon.com (for the US) and Amazon.co.uk (for the UK). It was also available in local book depositories. You can also try checking at your local book store. I just wish you look to find it in stock.

Check out our other book reviews:

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