Let’s explore and learn various science terms that start with the letter ‘Y’ from different science fields.
Science Words That Start With Y
Comprehensive Glossary of Scientific Terms and its Definitions that starts with the letter ‘Y’
Scientific Terms and Definitions
Y-Chromosome: Y-chromosome is the male sex-determining gene in the DNA of the family, Mammals. Humans and other animals like rabbits, elephants, bats, whales, etc. come under mammal family. And Y-chromosome is present in all sexually reproducing organisms and is the one among two sex chromosomes in mammals. It is useful for determining the sex of the animal or human. The x chromosome, which determines the female sex gene is the opposite chromosome to Y-chromosome.
Year: A year is the duration of 365 days i.e. nothing but the time taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun. 365 days of a year are divided into 12 months and the new year starts in January month and ends in December month.
Young: Young denotes various definitions like:
1) Used to call an offspring of an animal before or soon after birth
2) Useful to denote the smaller one among the two persons or animals etc.
3) Being in the early stages of life in the process of growth or development
Youthfulness: Distinctive characteristics of a young person’s appearance are denoted by the term ‘Youthfulness’ and the young person is known as ‘Youngster’. The other name for the youngster is ‘Younker’.
This post contains:
Chemistry words that start with ‘y’
Biology Glossary of Science Terms that start with Y
Words that starts with Y in Mathematical Science
Animal Science Terms Start With ‘y’
Science Terms and Definitions that start with ‘Y’ in Chemical Science Field
Yellow Cake: Yellow Cake is the impure substance acquired when the uranium ore is sent for processing. The other name for yellow cake is Urania and it is available in powder form. It is well known by the name yellow cake because the powder produced during the processing of uranium resembles the yellowcake. The modern yellow cakes encompass 80%-90% of uranium oxides. Based on World Nuclear Association studies, yellow cake is extremely dangerous but does not encompass important radiation.
Yield: Yield is the amount of substance or product produced after a chemical reaction for every mole of reactants used. In chemistry, yield is well-known with other names such as reaction yield or chemical yield. And chemists in laboratories use different terms to represent the difference between calculated and actual yield produced. A few of such names include theoretical yield, actual yield, experimental yield, and percent yield.
Yield Strength: Yield strength is the actual amount of stress applied in order to yield a particular amount of product plastically. It is otherwise well-known as yield stress. In simple words, it is the physical belonging that matches the yield point at which the base material is already set.
Yocto: Yocto symbolizes as’y’ in chemistry and is a unit prefix in the metric system. It denotes a factor associated with 10−24 or 0.000000000000000000000001. The word yocto is a Latin cum Greek slang which means ‘eight’ as it is identical to 1000−8. And it was in use since 1991 by the General Conference on Weights and Measures.
Yotta: Yotta is also a unit prefix in the metric system but denotes the biggest fractions and also the factor of 1024 (1000000000000000000000000) or one septillion. The symbol of yotta is ‘Y’. The word is originated from Ancient Greek which actually means ‘eight’ for the same reason as it is identical to 1000−8.
Yttrium: Yttriumis the silver-metallic chemical element. The symbol of yttrium in the periodic table is ‘Y’ and 39 is its atomic number. Chemically, it resembles lanthanides and is also referred to as ‘rare-earth-element’. Yttrium is the isotope with special characteristics like the only isotope that is stable and exists in the Earth’s crust. As it takes part as a rare earth element, it is used in making alloys, YAG lasers, treating certain types of cancers, etc. The other uses of yttrium include: as an additive, it strengthens the magnesium and aluminum alloys, used in the construction of microwave filters.
Ytterbium: Ytterbium is also a soft metallic chemical element and happens along with other rare earth elements. And hence, it is a part of the rare earth elements group. The element comes with the symbol ‘Yb’ and with the atomic number 70. Ytterbium has several uses including improving the power-driven properties of stainless steel through alloying, which comes in use as a doping agent and amplifier. The discovery of Ytterbium happened in 1878 and is highly toxic.
Ylide: Ylide is the product of tri-alkyl phosphine and alkyl halide but triphenyl phosphine is the typical chemical compound to produce ylides. In simple words, ylides are bipolar non-aligned particles that contain a formal positive charge and a negatively charged atom. This negatively charged atom gets attached to the positive ones that usually exist on heteroatom. Through which both the atoms share a set of eight electrons. Ylides are also yields!
Biology Glossary of Science Terms that start with Y
Yolk: Yolk is the internal part of a mammal egg enclosed by white liquid which is rich in proteins and fat. In simple words, the yolk is the nutrient-rich portion of an egg that mainly helps in the development of the embryo. Egg yolks contain vitamin D, calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, phosphorous, zinc, and copper.
Yeast: Yeast is a member of the fungi family with a single cell. It is useful in the fermentation of sugar and results in the formation of carbon dioxide and alcohol. It is very much handy for commercial use in order to rise dough while baking and to make alcoholic beverages.
Yellow Fever: Yellow fever is an infectious disease with symptoms including muscle pain, high fever, chills, yellow skin, headache, etc. The other names of yellow fever are Bronze John, Yellow Plague, and Yellow Jack. The main cause of this flu-like disease is mosquitoes. Jaundice is another major symptom of this disease apart from the above-mentioned symptoms. Jaundice is nothing but yellowing skin with a high fever. Hence, the name given is yellow fever. South America and Africa are the countries where this disease is common and widespread.
Yangsheng: Yangshengis the most prominent word in Chinese medicine and religion. The meaning of yangsheng is cared for life which aims to maintain youthfulness and for longer further living.
Yolk Platelets: Yolk platelets are the membrane-bound structures found in the egg yolk of reproducing organisms and typically in certain types of fishes. You can see them in amphibians as well in addition to fishes.
Yolk Sac: The yolk sac is the significant material found on the outer layer of the embryo and plays important role in the further development of the embryo. The main function is: it takes part in giving nutrition to the embryo until the placenta comes into the picture. The yolk sac is a positive and healthy sign of healthy pregnancy.
Yolk Plug: It is a huge mass of vegetal or endoderm cells that happens during the ventral lip formation of amphibian blastopore during gastrulation.
Y linkage: The hereditary array of genes present on the Y chromosomes is a Y-linkage. It is equivalent to X-linkage.
Y-linkage Disease: Y-linkage disease, is an inherited health condition where a particular gene on Y chromosomes mutates. That means there is a disorder in the array og genes present on Y chromosomes. Y chromosomes only exist in males. So, the disease has a high potential to inherit by males from one generation to the next generation. For example Father to son to grandson.
Yeast Two Hybrid: It is a combination of two proteins i.e. one is bait protein accompanied by a transcription factor whereas the other one is prey protein which fuses with a related transcription factor. When these two proteins come closer and fuse, then a precise signal delivers which indicates that the interaction has taken place.
Yin-Yang Probe: Yin-Yang probes are the double-stranded probes or displacing probes useful for the detection of specific nucleic acids in the gene mutations. Its detailed design supports a number of diagnostic kits and makes them cost-effective and handy. Hence, it is important to diagnose any number of infectious diseases, food pathogens, genetic disorders, cancer, hematologic malignancies, solid-tumor cancers, etc. Yin-Yang probes encompass DNA, RNA, and combinations of both along with non-natural nucleotide and nucleotide linkages.
Yellow Enzyme: Yellow enzymes are the flavo enzymes that perform biochemical reactions such as oxidation-reduction reactions. Bio-chemical reactions are reactions that involve breathing and respiration by collecting enough oxygen. To perform these biochemical reactions, yellow enzymes catalyze these reactions to help body cells to easily breathe and respire. Old and new yellow enzymes are the first flavo enzymes in the science world.
Yeast Artificial Chromosome (YAC): YAC is a genetically or human engineered cloning vector that has the largest inserting capacity. Yeast DNA is the birth place for these chromosomes to originate. Jef Boeke, Langone Medical Centre at New York University, was the one who discovered YACs in March 2014. YACs have the capacity to clone DNA stretches of 50 to over 2000 kb and up to 1Mb in yeast cells.
Y-type ion: In mass spectroscopy, we see several types of N-terminal polypeptide fragments as a result of α-carbon and its neighboring α-carboxy carbon bond cleavage. Apart from N-terminal fragments, C-terminal fragments are also visible. Y-type ions are such C-terminal iminium ions are the result of bond cleavage between α-carbon and its neighboring α-carboxy carbon.
Yin-Yang hypothesis: Every single organism on this Earth right from micro to macro organisms, cells are the basic foundation to form whole body tissues. Ying-Yang’s hypothesis is the theory of two opposite forces. These two forces are reciprocally reliant and interchangeable in order to maintain balance in life. In the same way, the Ying-Yang hypothesis is a bi-directional cellular process that regulates the biological model of cyclic nucleotides.
Words that start with Y in Mathematical Science
Young’s Modulus: Young’s modulus is otherwise famous for the word Elastic Modulus. It represents the stiffness of the material i.e. how easily a solid object is flexible to bend and stretch. To put simply, young’s modulus is helpful in measuring the changes in the length of an object under specific tension and compression. The formula of young’s modulus in physics is:
Young’s Modulus= Stress/Strain
Y-Axis: Y-axis is the vertical line on the graph up-down through zero. And it is the reference line such that you can measure on it and draw lines according to the measurements. Y-axis is otherwise famous as the vertical axis on a grid or chart in a Cartesian coordinate system.
Y-Intercept: In analytic geometry, there are two axes, one is the horizontal axis and the other is the vertical axis. The horizontal axis represents ‘x’ whereas the vertical axis represents ‘y’. The Y-intercept is the vertical intercept on the graph that represents a point where the function of the graph meets the y-axis of the coordinate system.
Yard: Yard is the unit of measurement that denotes the distance of 36 inches or 91.5 cms or simply 3 feet in the customary system.
List of Inventors
Hidetsugu Yagi: Hidetsugu Yagi was born in 1886 and died in 1976. He was a Japanese investor in the field of physics from the place Osaka, Japan. Besides, he worked at Osaka University and invented Yagi Antenna. The alternate name of this antenna is a directional antenna. Yagi antenna communicates using electromagnetic waves and is been in use by the millions of houses. It is very much helpful for television and radio sectors to receive signals. He worked as the fourth president for Osaka University! And he received many awards like Order of Culture, Blue Ribbon Award, Order of Rising Sun, and First Class
Alexander Sergeyevich Yakovlev: Alexander Sergeyevich Yakovlev was a Russian soviet aeronautical engineer and scientist. His birth took place in Moscow in 1906 and designed Yakovlev military aircraft and eventually founded the Yakovlev Design Bureau. In 1938, Yakovlev joined the communist party of the Soviet Union.
Pavel Yablochkov: The full name of Pavel Yablochkov is Pavel Nikolayevich Yablochkov. He was basically from Russia. And he invented many things like transformers, Yoblochkav candles, etc. as he was an electrical engineer. Also, he received the highest French order award i.e. The Legion Award in the fields of civil, merit, and military. For his efforts in electrical engineering, the Yobochklav crater on the moon was named after him.
Chen-Ning Yang: Chen-Ning Yang was the Nobel Prize Winner in Physics for explaining momentum, energy, and electric charge. He also concluded his inventions with a statement that Nature is capable enough to signal the difference between the right and left. Yang Mills Theory is the heart of the modern Standard Model in Theory. China was his birthplace and nationality.
Linus Yale Jr.: Linus Yale Jr. was the American inventor, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer of the Pin-Tumbler Lock and the founder of Yale Lock Co. He was born in 1821 and died in 1868. The cylinder lock was his amazing invention among all his other lock designs. His basic lock design is still very popular and highly demanded in sales. In addition, he received the most prestigious award from the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Yale lock, Pin Tumbler Locks and Cylinder Locks, Yale Bank Lock, and Yale Chilling Iron Safes and Vaults are the famous lock inventions by Linus Yale Jr.
Linus Yale Sr.: Linus Yale Sr. was also an American inventor who invented many locks. Especially he was famous for manufacturing bank locks. And he was the first president of the New Port village in 1857.
Shunpei Yamazaki: Shunpei Yamazaki was a Japanese inventor born in 1942 and did wonders in physics and computer science. Also, he is the chief and mainstream stockholder of Research Company Semiconductor Energy Laboratory (SEL) located in Tokyo.
Gazi Yaşargil: Gazi Yaşargil is a popular neurosurgeon and medical scientist in Turkey. He designed his own scientific tools that treat brain tumors and epilepsy. For his efforts, he received the “Neurosurgery’s Man of the Century 1950–1999” honor at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting in 1999. He received the prestigious award, Neurosurgeon of the half century (1950-2000) Neurosurgery 2009. He was also awarded in 2000 for his distinguished service i.e. State Medal of Distinguished Service.
Ryōichi Yazu: Ryōichi Yazu was the inventor of Japan’s first mechanical calculator. The other popular name for this calculator is ‘Yazu Arithmometer’. It has very special features like calculating up to 16 digits with a single cylinder, automatic carry, 22 gears, and various function keys. His nationality is Japan. The best thing is that there is a display of his invention in the Kitakyūshū City Museum of Literature.
Gunpei Yokoi: Gunpei Yokoi is a famous video game designer from Japan. And he is well-known for his achievements in Game and Watches handled system, designer of Game Boy, cross shaped Control Pad, and video game franchises like Kid Icarus and Metroid.
List of Science Experiments
Young’s Experiment: Young’s Experiment is a simple and quick way to introduce your young children to light science. This classic experiment proves the natural phenomenon of interference, wave theory, and the nature of light. In addition, it also played a hero role in proving the development of the wave theory of light.
Yeast Experiment: The yeast experiment is a baking science experiment that turns out as an edible science activity. With this investigation using yeast helps young children to explore and learn baking science. Also, this experiment is simple and safe to learn how bread rises in size while baking.
Yo-Yo’s Experiment with Balloons: Yo-Yo’s experiment reveals a lot of science concepts such as kinetic energy, bouncing, rotations, stretching of bands, etc. It takes no time and makes less mess with simple supplies. A simple science experiment for younger kids to experience a lot of fun and learn things hands-on.
List of Plant Science Terms
Yellow Wood: Yellow Wood, is a name suggested for a group of trees that oozes out yellow substances or yields yellow wood. This plant comes under conifers class representing the autumn leaves and is a native of Africa.
Yam: Yam is again a common name for a group of plants that fall under the family name, Dioscoreaceae. These plants relate to lilies and grass plants and are wide-cultivated in West Africa.
Yew: Yew, a highly poisonous tree and hence called as Tree of Death. Because of its drooping branches and stems, it symbolizes demise and reappearance in Celtic Culture. However, the highly poisonous taxane alkaloids are useful for the development of anti-cancer drugs.
Yellow Wax bells: Yellow waxbells is the perennial typr of plant that offers partial shade with elegant yellow flowers and dark purplish stems. Its flowers are yellow in color and in a bell shape. Hence, the name yellow wax bells came in regular use. This plant is native to Korea and Japan.
Yucca: Yucca comes under different types of plant terminology like shrubs, perennials, trees, and evergreen species. It offers many types of species and is commonly grown around North America. Specific species of these plants are useful as indoor plants. For example Yucca aloifolia, Yucca gloriosa, Yucca elephantipes, Yucca recurvifolia, Yucca filamentosa, etc.
Animal Science Terms Start With ‘y’
Yellow-Eyed Penguin: Yellow-eyed penguin is the species of Megadyptes antipodes, which has other names such as ‘Tarakaka’ or ‘Hoiho’. It is the native of New Zealand and has become the flagship species for nature-based tourism. The features of these animals are yellow eyes, yellow feathers, and yellow eye bands.
Yellow Ground Squirrel: Yellow ground species is the natuive to various countries all over the world such as China, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, etc. This animal is a member of the rodent order like other squirrels and is the largest species among ground sturdy squirrel species. We can see these species abundantly during the spring and summer seasons.
Yak: Yak is the huge wild and domesticated ox species with wild features like dark thick skin, big horns, humped shoulders, and shaggy hairs. It is commonly visible in the Himalayan part of India, the Northern part of Myanmar, Sichuan, Yunnan, the Tibetan Plateau, and some other places.
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